View Full Version : LotRO Wish List (L)

  1. Single panel names
  2. Chat Window Modifications
  3. User Interface Files
  4. Experience bar without numbers?
  5. Tracking of Deeds
  6. Missing ArtAssetIDs?
  7. We have anything coming with June Update?
  8. Reposition of quickbars
  9. Add docking ability to elements
  10. Advanced UI modification
  11. Attack Button
  12. Implement /reloadui please
  13. Request : Larger Cursor and color options
  14. Mouse over functionnality
  15. Layers order
  16. Show cursor position
  17. Changing Fonts
  18. Mouse look toogle
  19. Multiple Skindefinition.XML per UI
  20. Resizable and reshapeable minimap
  21. Resizable health and powerbars and more
  22. Toggle Quickbars Skill description
  23. Damagemeter issues
  24. Customizable Raid Frames
  25. Inventory/Equipment Ideas
  26. Map Idea
  27. Request: Skill Icons
  28. Better LFF+Who
  29. XML Exporter Project?
  30. Talking about Buff/Debuff display
  31. Nemesis&Arch-nemesis Vital Panels Assets
  32. Frosty - Client Side Layout Data, Please!
  33. New Damagemeter issues
  34. Book 11 and 12 Assets
  35. Book 14 Assets
  36. Mailbox
  37. Char Parameters / API / Map Tool
  38. Minimap Icons
  39. UI skining art pack easy to edit
  40. Request: functional "playerportrait_mask_linemeup"
  41. Threat Meter
  42. Better plugin management
  43. TextBox FocusGained() / FocusLost() events not implemented?
  44. In-game recipe checklist per character
  45. hotkeys for fellowship members (does it exist?)
  46. Click to timestamp then show recipe cooldown
  47. Ventrilo support
  48. Combat Chat bar
  49. Plugin the allwos to choose displayed buffs
  50. New to Lula but have some good ideas.
  51. Lore-Master's Flanked Status
  52. Own Guide/Notes Built-in!
  53. Location Based Services ;-)
  54. Title Counter/Rotator
  55. Showing Buffs/debuffs like -BuffBars- but for the target ?
  56. Skin - Plugin request
  57. Equipment Swap
  58. Legendary Item Tracker
  59. Sorting idea
  60. skin and quickslots
  61. muisc
  62. Raid Calendar
  63. Plugin Icon Trays
  64. LoTRO Lua noob's wish list
  65. In-game Guide like Zygor created for WOW
  66. Toogle item's sell lock
  67. Skirm Plugins Request
  68. XP Bar enhancement
  69. Plugin Request: Skillbar Background "Titan bar mod?"
  70. Wow Like Buffbar
  71. Crafting cooldowns
  72. Export inventory to file
  73. CLI search for items
  74. miniUI
  75. equipped items as quickslot row
  76. PvMP Goblins
  77. PvMP; Spider
  78. Split Stacks into Singles Quicker
  79. Please for the love of god, make a combat meter that shows everyone's dps/hps etc.