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Pai 01-28-2011 08:41 PM

faster way to target pets/skirmish soldiers
I was healing in a 6 man skirmish with some friends and was having difficulty a: seeing when a fellow's soldier was taking damage, and b: quickly targeting to heal them if they were.
I could select one of the soldiers using the H tool-tip command, but it only let me look at one at a time, if they were within a certain range of myself.

I'm not sure if this is possible at all, but if there were a plug-in in which I could select to view fellow members soldiers and pets (multiple if needed), then I can keep an eye on their morale bars much easier. It would be fantastic if I could also use said plug-in to target these solders/pets, for a fast heal or 2 if needed.

daimon 01-29-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pai (Post 6088)
I'm not sure if this is possible at all, but if there were a plug-in in which I could select to view fellow members soldiers and pets (multiple if needed), then I can keep an eye on their morale bars much easier. It would be fantastic if I could also use said plug-in to target these solders/pets, for a fast heal or 2 if needed.

It isn't possible, at least not for now.

minniwinni 01-30-2011 11:49 AM


uhm... how should i start

i had a idea: a TIER bag

Just like the quickbars, the bag shouldn t provide extra space, it s for quickly changing the outfit

eg: Damage and Heal outfit for Runekeepers
Armortypes for the ministrel
Heal/Soloplay for the captain

you should be able to change the armor, the weapons and the jewlery,... (everything equipted) with one click/button ( arranged like a bag max. 20 spaces)

oh, and when a bag space is empty, the equipted item shold stay equipted

thx :)

Edit: no reply yet?

DeadManWalking 03-26-2011 02:03 PM

Elven Skin
Would it be possible for somebody to make a completely Elven-themed and inspired skin. As I almost exclusively play Elves I would love an Elven Skin.
I hope that someone tries to create one.

Samooryesord 05-05-2011 04:52 PM

I want to hear a sound every time I receive mail! a Ding or a Ring or some kind of alert sound to let me know it's mail time! =D

Garan 05-05-2011 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Samooryesord (Post 6477)
I want to hear a sound every time I receive mail! a Ding or a Ring or some kind of alert sound to let me know it's mail time! =D

Not possible via the LoTRO Lua interface at this time (no interaction with Mail or Alerts and no ability to play sounds).

minniwinni 05-06-2011 06:22 AM

man, thats annoying, no answer to my TIER bag idea :(

Digital_Utopia 05-07-2011 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by minniwinni (Post 6480)
man, thats annoying, no answer to my TIER bag idea :(

Good idea, just not effectively possible right now - there's no way to do multiple in-game actions with a single click, so the only real way to do something like that would be creating a window of quickslots - one for each piece. In order to equip, you would have to click each slot - which would really be no different than just allocating the bag space for your unequipped items.

The only real advantage is that it would keep those items easily accessible, regardless of where they were in your bags - but no one-click set swapping.

liloa 06-19-2011 12:17 PM

Greetings all, back on page four there was a brief discussion about the "Combat Particle Response Indicator" found in the Options/Combat Options panel.

Handy little thing could become even handier if the player was given some control over it.

Can a control panel be created for it?

My primary interest would be to enable the selection of any specific visual (and hopefully any specific audible) "combat response" for any character.

From what I can tell, each class is saddled with a default "particle response" graphic, tied to a default sound. I would like to be able to select my Hunter response which is a nice bright green and an easily recognizable sound, and use it on my Champion who has a much weaker looking and sounding effect.

This seems to me a must have type of option. I believe Turbine needs to either address this issue themselves or insure that it can be accessed.

The lack of accessibility over this option definitively impacts those who are color blind or visually impaired in some way, as well as those who may have hearing problems.

If it is possible, I would love it if someone created this little plugin!

Thank you for your time and attention.

ferrin21 07-25-2011 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Digital_Utopia (Post 6482)
Good idea, just not effectively possible right now - there's no way to do multiple in-game actions with a single click, so the only real way to do something like that would be creating a window of quickslots - one for each piece. In order to equip, you would have to click each slot - which would really be no different than just allocating the bag space for your unequipped items.

The only real advantage is that it would keep those items easily accessible, regardless of where they were in your bags - but no one-click set swapping.

would it be possible to write a script such as /equip for the said item kinda like wow did, then you could just type in /equip item for each item with one click. wouldnt be an addon, just something like a macro as wow called it

MrJackdaw 07-25-2011 03:28 AM

'fraid the "macro" system in Lotro does not allow this. Then again this is the REQUEST thread - lets hope Turbine read it too!

Digital_Utopia 07-27-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by ferrin21 (Post 6899)
would it be possible to write a script such as /equip for the said item kinda like wow did, then you could just type in /equip item for each item with one click. wouldnt be an addon, just something like a macro as wow called it

As Mr. Jackdraw said, the "macro" system in LotRO isn't anywhere near as robust as WoW's - frankly, the only thing that really qualifies as a macro in the chat window is the ability to link chat commands to a quickslot - however, no chat command exists to equip an item.

To improve my earlier post - it would be possible to do something like store the quickslots of both sets, and display those quickslots in a form of a carousel, so you could just scroll and click for each piece. That way it would only take up a slot sized area on your screen. Then when clicking a set piece to equip it, the slot would change to the piece for the "other" set.

However, there would be a couple of caveats to this. First, both the original and the 2nd set would have to be manually set, via dragging the item into the appropriate quickslot. Second, and more importantly, there's no way to verify that clicking on the slot actually would equip that piece.

For instance, if you were to attempt to change your set in a situation where the game wouldn't let you - there's no way for the plugin system to know this. So the plugin would just have to assume that the change went through - even if it didn't. Of course the plugin could always be "reset" if that should happen - via chat commands for that plugin - but obviously that's not ideal.

So yeah - end result is that you'd still have to click on each piece to change it, but some UI magic could be done to make it take up a minimal amount of space, and it might still be more convenient than having to dig through your bags for said pieces.

Sadly, nothing in the game supports "using" or equipping multiple items with a single click.

Riggie1000 05-20-2013 04:30 PM

deactivating skills
i don't know, if there's any addon, that can deactivate skills by using countdown.

ie the loremasters debuff improved sign of power: command
when this debuff is on the enemy, there is no reason to activate it again. in this case, it is only harmful to your character by losing power, morale and is getting a new cooldown on the skills, so that it maybe not able to use it at the right time.
another example: share the power
why sharing power, if there is no reason to? it doesn't takes effect.

in the tooltip you can see many listed times: the time it needs for cooldown, activation time, duration, dot, hot, and last but not least the time that's not listed: the time, the character needs to activate the skill after activation time.
another way is, to use the debuffs on the enemies. but i think, this one is not supported, although it would be the better way.

if one of this ways can be used by an addon, it would be great to read about it.

sorry for that bad english.

hope to hear from you.

so far

Garan 05-20-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Riggie1000 (Post 8626)
i don't know, if there's any addon, that can deactivate skills by using countdown.

ie the loremasters debuff improved sign of power: command
when this debuff is on the enemy, there is no reason to activate it again. in this case, it is only harmful to your character by losing power, morale and is getting a new cooldown on the skills, so that it maybe not able to use it at the right time.
another example: share the power
why sharing power, if there is no reason to? it doesn't takes effect.

in the tooltip you can see many listed times: the time it needs for cooldown, activation time, duration, dot, hot, and last but not least the time that's not listed: the time, the character needs to activate the skill after activation time.
another way is, to use the debuffs on the enemies. but i think, this one is not supported, although it would be the better way.

if one of this ways can be used by an addon, it would be great to read about it.

sorry for that bad english.

hope to hear from you.

so far

Plugins can not disable/deactivate skills.

Riggie1000 05-21-2013 03:14 AM

or make something like laying down a new cover on skills, that don't take effect at the moment, so that you can click on it. the gamer should only be informed about it by seeing something else on watching the skills.
perhaps something like out of range...

Ordegar 01-04-2015 07:10 PM

Better character and target unit frames
By better i simply mean the ability to have the buffs/debuffs above the hp/power and move up as added instead of down. Or, to eliminate the buffs/debuffs display completely, as I use Buffbars for that. It also would be nice to not have the big bulb with the portraits; they are completely unnecessary.

All I want is hp and power bars for me and target that I can move closer to the bottom of the screen and not have the buffs display going on top of my hotkeys. I like a central bottom hud with all combat related things bottom center and the default just doesn't cut it.

My only option right now is to resize them down as tiny as possible but I want the bars the size they are now.


P.S. I tried VitalBars by faflaf, but it seems to be broken. I can't believe after all these years nobody has done this?

Hyoss 01-10-2015 12:26 AM

Holy mother of thread necromancy you digged out a thread from 2 years ago. Wrong thread by any chance?

Nobody did this simply because it cannot be achieved with what Turbine allows the plugins to do.

Ordegar 01-12-2015 04:47 PM

This thread is stickied; and it's called "Interface Wishes" in the "Interface Requests" section. Why would it be the wrong thread?

Anyhow, what part of my request is not doable? I'm not a UI coder or I would have just attempted it myself, so I don't know what the limitations are.

Why can't you just make a player vitals window and not display the buffs/debuffs and hide the original? Likewise with the target?

DToX 01-14-2015 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ordegar (Post 11559)
Why can't you just make a player vitals window and not display the buffs/debuffs and hide the original? Likewise with the target?

It's possible.

For crude example you can check plugin Vitals ( http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...etvisuals.html ).
Load plugin. Select your character, click on the lock icon (panel will only show character's morale and power). Open plugin's menu, add new window (second panel will show target's morale and power).

Plugin doesn't include ability to hide default elements, but it can be achieved with a little code.

Hyoss 01-16-2015 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Ordegar (Post 11559)
This thread is stickied; and it's called "Interface Wishes" in the "Interface Requests" section. Why would it be the wrong thread?

Sorry, my fault, did not know the thread was stickied - opened it up from the front page.

Second, I was 100% sure you cannot hide the default frames. Apparently there is. But you cannot provide a 100% replacement. There is still (and I am sure about that) absolutely no way to access the targets buffs and debuffs so a replacement for the target will not be able to display those.

TL;DR: Your wish can be fulfilled for the player frame, but not the target frame.


Originally Posted by DToX (Post 11560)
It's possible.

For crude example you can check plugin Vitals ( http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...etvisuals.html ).
Load plugin. Select your character, click on the lock icon (panel will only show character's morale and power). Open plugin's menu, add new window (second panel will show target's morale and power).

Plugin doesn't include ability to hide default elements, but it can be achieved with a little code.

Seems I have to check how the hiding is done as I was 100% sure it can not be achieved. My argument still stands as a replacement for the default target frame cannot be done without giving up display of target buffs/debuffs completely.

DToX 01-17-2015 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Hyoss (Post 11562)
Seems I have to check how the hiding is done as I was 100% sure it can not be achieved.



Originally Posted by Hyoss (Post 11562)
My argument still stands as a replacement for the default target frame cannot be done without giving up display of target buffs/debuffs completely.


Why can't you just make a player vitals window and not display the buffs/debuffs and hide the original? Likewise with the target?

Hyoss 01-17-2015 07:35 AM

Ok just so we do not fight about semantics - to me, if the request is:


All I want is hp and power bars for me and target that I can move closer to the bottom of the screen and not have the buffs display going on top of my hotkeys.
then to fulfill that request is to provide a solution that does not only provide word by word what was requested but a solution that still provides at least the same functionality. In this case:

There is NO way of using Buffbars to display target buffs/debuffs, or any way to handle target buffs/debuffs by plugin.

So sure the request could be fulfilled but leave Ordegar with a solution that would actually make playing harder/impossible (would not be able to see corruptions on tghe target).

So nobody did it because a fully functional solution for both player and target cannot be made so far.

I happily stand corrected on being able to create a solution for the player frame, though, and I could use this too.

Rodor 02-11-2015 09:25 PM

Vitals question
Ok I am not a plugin maker but her goes

I have a plugin called vitals made by rod I cant find it here anymore. It only does the player and I was able to remove the image, lvl, player name and buffs and debuffs.

I also just found a plugin called vitalbars

there is also Vbar

There are a few otehrs for vitals but I did not look into them.

As to how to hide the default user vitals in the main.lua for the plugin I have Rod used
-- Disable the ingame vitals.
--Turbine.UI.Lotro.LotroUI.SetEnabled( Turbine.UI.Lotro.LotroUIElement.Vitals, false );

Hyoss 02-16-2015 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rodor (Post 11577)
Ok I am not a plugin maker but her goes

I have a plugin called vitals made by rod I cant find it here anymore. It only does the player and I was able to remove the image, lvl, player name and buffs and debuffs.

I also just found a plugin called vitalbars

there is also Vbar

There are a few otehrs for vitals but I did not look into them.

As to how to hide the default user vitals in the main.lua for the plugin I have Rod used
-- Disable the ingame vitals.
--Turbine.UI.Lotro.LotroUI.SetEnabled( Turbine.UI.Lotro.LotroUIElement.Vitals, false );

Vitals by Rod is an example plugin that was developed by someone at Turbine when the LUA implementation was first introduced. You can find it as part of the Turbine libs/examples package. Also VitalBars is based on Vitals and should have more functionality.

Rodor 02-20-2015 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Hyoss (Post 11578)
Vitals by Rod is an example plugin that was developed by someone at Turbine when the LUA implementation was first introduced. You can find it as part of the Turbine libs/examples package. Also VitalBars is based on Vitals and should have more functionality.

Thank you kindly for the information.

Angiath 03-25-2015 10:42 AM

Custom graphics presets. what i mean is a way to save graphics settings and quickly switch between them, similar to how we can quickly switch between trait specs. So, for example, I'd have 3 sets: landscape on foot, high detail with lower draw distance; war-steed mounted, less detail but maximum draw distance; raid, minimum graphics all around.

Is this possible to do? I don't know anything about the LUA API, so I don't know if plugins have any access to the graphics settings. But if they do, something like this would be very welcome.

Garan 03-25-2015 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Angiath (Post 11594)
Custom graphics presets. what i mean is a way to save graphics settings and quickly switch between them, similar to how we can quickly switch between trait specs. So, for example, I'd have 3 sets: landscape on foot, high detail with lower draw distance; war-steed mounted, less detail but maximum draw distance; raid, minimum graphics all around.

Is this possible to do? I don't know anything about the LUA API, so I don't know if plugins have any access to the graphics settings. But if they do, something like this would be very welcome.

Unfortunately, graphics settings are not exposed in the Turbine Lua API but this is still worthy of the wish list.

rob72fl 12-31-2016 04:17 PM

Multi-character synchronized emoting (ie Dance)
I know absolutely nothing about creation of plugins. I don't know if this would be possible, but it almost seems a slight change to the Songbook plugin.

Sounds kinda weird maybe, but multi-boxing characters to perform synchronous dance steps - especially during the ''concerts'' would look pretty cool.

Garan 12-31-2016 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by rob72fl (Post 11881)
I know absolutely nothing about creation of plugins. I don't know if this would be possible, but it almost seems a slight change to the Songbook plugin.

Sounds kinda weird maybe, but multi-boxing characters to perform synchronous dance steps - especially during the ''concerts'' would look pretty cool.

This is not possible with Lua since plugins can't execute commands across multiple clients and even synchronizing via a chat message wouldn't work since plugins can't programmatically execute emote/movement commands in response to chat.

However, I suspect that this would be fairly easy to set up using the same mechanisms used to program multiple clients to execute movement and combat skills simultaneously.

moebius92 01-04-2017 12:56 AM

You could do it, but not in an automated fashion.

Essentially, you make it the plugin's job to have everyone on a more-or-less synchronized timer and to present individual players with an action button to hit and an indication of how much time before they need to perform the next action, and the individual players' job to hit the action button at the required time.

HunterGreen 10-18-2017 08:30 AM

Enlarging the Inspection panel Bio tab
Is it possible to make a skin that overrides the Inspection panel you get when you inspect someone, so that the Bio tab can show more than a few lines of text that you have to awkwardly scroll?

I can't find a list of what panels can be overridden -- if http://www.lotrointerface.com/index.php?p=ui_skinning_2 is telling me that, I don't understand how, because (for instance) the dressing room isn't mentioned, and I know that's overridden by http://www.lotrointerface.com/downlo...cedpanels.html amongst others.

Ideally all I want to do is make it bigger, or resizable, but no other changes.

Barb7 08-20-2019 04:27 PM

More mods
I would like to see more mods for all the classes and a mod to show alt rep.

Agollas 08-27-2019 05:48 AM

Syncing Calendar
Something which I think would be a nice plugin is an event calendar which syncs across users.

The approach that i thought of would be to have a group of people who could update the calendar and send its data to a user chat channel, then other people who may not have been online when the calendar was updated could then receive the update from other uses who had received the original update.

It's something that i might look in to making in the future, however I might be pretty busy for a while, so if someone else is looking for a plugin to develop, this might be an interesting one to look at.

goldbishop 12-05-2021 10:37 AM

Lua Api
Is there any documentation on the current SSG LUA implementation?

Garan 12-05-2021 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by goldbishop (Post 12704)
Is there any documentation on the current SSG LUA implementation?

is the latest Lua API documentation. The API has not changed significantly since 2014. The latest changes are just a couple of bug fixes and additional enumeration values for things like the new races/classes.

For a quick start as well as some discussion/examples of some of the less intuitive aspects of the API see:

JLPicard 12-10-2021 07:51 PM

I would like to see a reskin for the LI window, it's too dang long and full of empty space.

SamGoofus 12-21-2021 10:37 PM

Options for Pointer/Cursor
I'd really like to see a cursor that would have options such as size, color, shape, and the like.
Ok, yeah, I'm getting old and feeble, but at the size it is, it can just disappear on me. There are a few plug-ins written to enhance it, but the two I've seen are more distracting than helpful. Just a choice between five or six sizes would do the trick. Color change would help too, maybe a setting for blinking, and cute little emo pix, pussycat heads, jack o' lanterns, Ninja Power Transform Ranger Mutants... :rolleyes:

You get the idea, more visible!

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