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Aalwein 06-21-2007 08:42 AM

ancient wolf is assuredly an addict. Come on ... raise your hand and say it!

AncientWolf 06-21-2007 09:32 AM

Guilty! :D

I'm obsessed when I have a vision for something and a silly thing like code gets in the way.

Unlike AI scripting I did years ago, I'm getting satisfaction from starting from the beginning with LoTRO's UI in its infikcy <--- "Popeye voice".

Now the servers are down till 1... bleh.

LedMirage 06-21-2007 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by AncientWolf (Post 1220)
Guilty! :D

I'm obsessed when I have a vision for something and a silly thing like code gets in the way.

Unlike AI scripting I did years ago, I'm getting satisfaction from starting from the beginning with LoTRO's UI in its infikcy <--- "Popeye voice".

Now the servers are down till 1... bleh.

I'm the same way, right now what I really would like to know is how to lock the whole bar to the bottom center (like it does by default) but at the same time change it's size and the position/size of it's child elements.

I'm also taking my time trying to figure out the best way to handle multiple-resolution setups, here is where the "minimalist" UI's won't have much of a problem but those of us doing full art replacements are going to have a bigger workload :(

So instead of finishing up my next two themes, I've been doing nothing but working on these new layouts since Evendim came out... *grumble*

/rant off

Frosty 06-21-2007 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by D.H1cks (Post 1213)
You should actually leave the 'Y' = 12 alone. You only need to change the top level element to move everything inside it.

I'm on vacation!

But this statement is correct. If you don't want to change the whole layout of the LevelMeterFill, you can actually remove it from the XML file. merely by setting the position of the LevelMeter keeps everything else in the same position underneath.

If you're trying to move the LevelMeterFill within the LevelMeter, the "Y" coordinate is parent relative, so your valid range for the y position should be between 0 and the height of the LevelMeterFill (30). Note, however, that the LevelMeter is 12 high, so the real range in order to see it is y = (0..18)

I hope that works, because if not...

I'm On Vacation!

Kidding, I'll look at problems when I can, though.


Aalwein 06-21-2007 02:29 PM

Enjoy the vacation Frosty - we can wait! I'm going on vacation this weekend myself and if I get a call from my office I will send them email bombs!

AncientWolf 06-21-2007 09:57 PM

Yeaps, enjoy the vacation! I appreciate you confirming every'ting.


I know the feeling about the workload. Its daunting. So far most of the requests Ive had has been directed towards keeping the "fluff" to a minimum;


I like elaborate panels and nifty touches laced throughout the ui, but it seems the critics want less. One fix and Ive got at times 9-11 folders for different variations to do.

Thank god for doughuts.

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