Originally Posted by AncientWolf
<Element ID="LevelMeter" X="0" Y="125" Width="200" Height="30">
<Element ID="LevelMeterFill" X="5" Y="137" Width="200" Height="6">
Doh, I even got it wrong again.
The height of your meter is 30, but you place the LevelMeterFill at 137, that is 137 from the top of the LevelMeter, not the entire screen, or even the toolbar.
You should actually leave the 'Y' = 12 alone. You only need to change the top level element to move everything inside it.
Edit: No, I had it right the first time.
The main thing you have to remember, is the origin for a sub-element is the parent element, not the screen. Frosty's example is a little misleading because he put the XP bar at the top of his toolbar. If he had put it at the bottom or in the middle it would have been better to see how the nested elements work.
If you notice in his example, his LevelMeterFill element has Y=12, and the LevelMeter_BonusMeter, which is a sub-element of LevelMeterFill, has Y=0. That makes the BonusMeter the same Y location as the LevelMeterFill element.
I hope that explains it a bit better.