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josephmil 06-14-2009 04:05 AM

Hi all!

I'm a big LotR(O) fan as well as DnD. Can't wait to get on with some modding (I am pouring over the guides as we speak!).

Keep up the good site! :)

Cairenn 06-14-2009 09:09 AM

Welcome to the site Josephmill. :)

Yhor 07-10-2009 01:12 AM

Hail all. I'm Yhor, a Race of Man Champion on the Landroval server. I recently returned to LOTRO (around mid April) after leaving the open beta, and very happy to have done so. I've always been a fan of Tolkien's work, it gives such a feel of immersion. I'm just happy to see how smooth everything has become in game since my departure, it gives me that same feeling as reading (well, not exactly, but close :))

I've always enjoyed the community on the ...interface.com sites that I've been a part of and I look forward to whatever I may find here, from a new skin, or a new friend (or both if I'm lucky ;)). I'm not a very original guy, in the way of skinning and modding, but I do enjoy making things 'right for me' when I come across something close. I do think I'll be making more attempts at original stuff this go round, though, given that this game gives a lot of original inspiration.


Cairenn 07-10-2009 02:34 PM

/me huggles Yhor :)

Belecthor 12-16-2009 08:41 AM

Hello all !
Hi there,

I've been looking into this website for ages now, and i've used some nice interfaces from this site.
Now I finally registered... 'bout time :)

I am currently working on a slotbar for my kinship, so I will be posting more in future... u probably will see lots of posts from me starting with .... HELP !!!

Cheers all,

HilaryDuffGta 12-06-2012 10:24 PM

im todd aka duffy as i am known on the forums i visit, i am really into lotro now and am working on a lore master,i came here hopign to find good interfaces to use because the pets are becoming a hassle as they block up some of my slots.

looks like a cool site,hope i can find my way around here

Wizhunter 03-20-2015 06:12 PM

Hello :)
My Name is Wizhunter and i have been playing online games since...well a long time ago :p.I have played WoW and Guildwars 1 and 2 for a number of years and recently got asked to try this..Still trying to get to grips with how it works atm and will also be looking for some friendly faces Online to steer me in the right direction.
Thanks for allowing me to join the LOTRO Interface,i look forward to making some more online friends


XFaern 04-17-2020 08:28 AM

Guess nobody introduces themselves anymore
But here I am to say "Hi," I'm a long time MMO player and new to LoTRO Interface.

Obinor 04-27-2020 12:30 AM

Hail friends, and well met!
Hiya! I've playing MMOs for about 13 years, and LOTRO was my first and undying love. I currently have three main toons on Anor -- Minstrel, Burglar, and Lore-Master.

I created an account here a few days ago to express my appreciation for Adra's work on the excellent JRR Skins Collection, but you'll probably see me around here a bit more going forward. I've browsed this site and messed with various plugins and skins over the years, but I've only recently done anything "serious" with plugin coding and skin design.

I'm currently working on a comprehensive rework of the LOTRO interface using Adra's "JRR C" skin as a template/guide. (Adra, if you read this, thank you for all the helpful code-comments -- they've been a huge boon to my learning process :D )
My goals are to create a skin that will 1) make it easier for me (recently diagnosed with ADD) to navigate the interface quickly and efficiently without unnecessary distraction, 2) serve as a "dark mode" for LOTRO, and 3) drastically reduce the clutter and dead-space in the interface overall to make it more space-efficient on screens with resolutions of 1080p and lower.

Once I've completed those three objectives, I'd like make a variant of the skin designed for higher screen resolutions. I currently play on an HD monitor, but I've heard a lot of complaints from other players with 1440p/4k monitors...

If you're interested in working with me or if you feel you could add something to the project, I'd love to collaborate! Shoot me a PM -- or catch me in-game if you're on Anor! My handle is the name of my main character. :)

XFaern 05-01-2020 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Obinor (Post 12431)
Once I've completed those three objectives, I'd like make a variant of the skin designed for higher screen resolutions. I currently play on an HD monitor, but I've heard a lot of complaints from other players with 1440p/4k monitors...

Well met. I've made a few modifications to the skin files I use for my 1440p monitor, so I'd be interested in seeing what you do with it :)

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