View Full Version : Is it possible to get the instance of a Player by name?

06-14-2012, 03:43 PM
I'd like to do this without having to target the player. I get the name of a player that is in the zone from the combat log and I'd like to determine their class. Actually, I just want to know if they are a creep or a freep. Any thoughts or direction on this would be greatly appreciated. TIA :)

06-15-2012, 02:22 PM
Far as I know, you can only access information about the local player and the fellowship members.

06-16-2012, 02:22 PM
Well, if you're not concerned about doing it programmatically, just use /friend add. As a plus side, you can use it to find out the classes of people on your side as well.

06-16-2012, 02:53 PM
Hmmmm.... Thanks Moebius. The intent was to Identify Friend or Foe so your suggestion makes sense after a fashion :rolleyes:

Wicked Mouse
06-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Characters of the opposide side will show level. Like "Orcreaver, level 75". Determing classes I'd say is just getting the experience to recognise them :)