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TitanBar Change log
v1.24.45 (2014/05/19)
- SAdd: Added Bag of coins currency. Thx Heridan!
- SAdd: Added "The Eorlingas" & "The Helmingas" Factions. Thx Heridan!

v1.24.44 (2013/08/20)
- SAdd: Added 2 new faction in the reputation control database. Thx Mandraval!

v1.24.43c (2013/04/20)
- Cor: Repositioning function now work properly.
- Cor: Now work properly in Monster Play.

v1.24.43 (2013/04/16)
- Cor: Repositioning function now work properly. Thx Pineleaf!
- Rev: Removed useless settings and some old code.

v1.24.42 (2013/04/11)
- Fix: Reputation tracker now work properly. Thx DaBear78!

v1.24.41 (2013/04/07)
- Add: Small ability to change Turbine Points from 'Wallet' window.
- Fix: Settings window was still opened after control being unloaded.
- Fix: Currency control will show in double when using it's shell command while control is already in the 'Wallet' tooltip window.
- Fix: Some control was still capturing data after being unloaded.
- Fix: 'Wallet' control shell command. Forgot to activate it, my bad!
- Fix: Border of Tooltip windows will not change when changing lotro theme. Using local resources for now :(
- Fix: The position of the combobox dropdown menu in the "Reputation" & "More Options" window.

v1.24.40 (2013/03/09)
- Fix: Broken graphics with update 10. Thx wmrojer!
- Fix: The position of the combobox dropdown menu in the "Wallet" window.
- Fix: Money currency will be saved only when in pve.

v1.24.39 (2013/02/04)
- Fix: Money info are only saved to disk when unloading TitanBar, to prevent some lag when looting. Thx wmrojer!
- Fix: 'Backpack infos' window now get current player items properly if bags are filled from last to first. Thx Wicky!

v1.24.38 (2013/02/02)
- Add: Search capability in the 'Backpack Infos', 'Vault', 'Shared Storage' & 'Track Items' window. Thx scarlim!
- Add: Option to select ALL your character in the 'Backpack Infos' & 'Vault' window. Thx scarlim!
- Add: Converted player rating to %. Red label are not correct for me, please provide more accurate formulas. Thx DaBear78!
- Tweak the location filtering code a bit.

v1.23.37c (2013/01/15)
- Cor: Error when deleting the last atl in the backpack or vault window.
- Cor: Add missing XP from lvl 76 to 85. Thx Geko!

v1.23.37 (2012/11/28)
- Add: Can now delete backpack & vault info of your alt. Thx Donna!
- Cor: DE name of 2 faction was changed in update 8.1. Thx DaBear78!

v1.22.37c (2012/10/25)
- Cor: Timer now running properly, my bad.

v1.22.37 (2012/10/24)
- Add: RoR factions & crafting guild rank. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Somes items are not showing properly in SharedStorage, Vault, track items and backpack window. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: "Backpack Infos" control now load/unload properly. Thx Mawane!
- Change: Disabled "Equipment Infos" & "Durability Infos" because the GetEquipment() is not working properly. (Turbine API issue)

v1.22.36c (2012/09/05)
- Fix: "Bag infos" window now get current player items properly if bags are filled from last to first. Thx Wicky!

v1.22.36 (2012/08/31)
- Fix: Wallet icon now load if it was selected in the menu.
- Fix: Wallet window now show only usefull currency in monster play.
- Fix: currency option in wallet window now reflect real state of control. (When unloading a control, option was still showing "On TitanBar")
- Fix: "Bag infos" window now get current player items properly.

v1.22.35c2 (2012/08/16)
- Fix: BagInfo window not closing, my bad!
- Fix: Combobox class error, my bad!
- Fix: Destiny Points control was moving if screen size change. Thank you Geko!

v1.22.35c (2012/08/12)
- Fix: Put back option to show free slot in the bags control, my bad!

v1.22.35 (2012/08/11)
- Fix: Comboxbox items was duplicated if same faction was set again.
- Fix: Some Tooltip was not swapping side if out of screen.
- Change: Wallet currency are now in a control called "Wallet". Wallet currency can now be on TitanBar or in this control tooltip.

v1.22.34 (2012/07/11)
- Fix: Session play character will not be saved anymore in the Vault, Shared Storage & Bags function. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Day & Night control is now available in monster play.
- Fix: Some word-wrapping issue in 'Day&Night control' when using german language. Thx Kaische!
- Fix: Character name in the 'Money Infos' control are now sorted alphabetically.
- Change: Icon of 'Track Items' control.
- Change: Your alt vault are now always available.
- Change: Items infos are now available in 'Bag Infos' & 'Track Items' control only for the character you are playing with.
- Add: Rputation tracking ability. Thx Uthboth! (Need the 'Advancement' channel to be active!)
- Add: Turbine Points tracker. Thx Kaische! (Need the 'Advancement' channel to be active!)(Need to re-enter Turbine Points when spending points in store because i'm unable to track spending, no text in chat)
- Add: XP tracker. (Track your current level not your overall progress)(It's in the 'Player Infos' control. Will track automatically after the first mob kill)

v1.21.33 (2012/06/22)
- Fix: Will automatically change width if screen width change.
- Fix: Typo error in the Shared Storage file name. My bad (Need to re-open shared storage to create the new save file)

v1.21.32 (2012/06/21)
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by DaBear78!, thx!
- Change: Vault & Shared Storage now show icon & name of your items. (Need to re-open your vault & shared storage to get item name)
- Change: Items tracking was removed from 'Backpack infos' control. It's now a new control named 'Track Items'. (Disabled by default)
- Add: Option to show/hide session statistics in 'Money Infos' control
- Add: Option to show/hide today statistics in 'Money Infos' control
- Add: 'Backpack infos' control now show your backpack and your alt backpack. Thx DaBear78! (Need to log in your alt to get the info)
- Add: 'Vault control' now show your vault and your alt vault. Thx DaBear78!
- Add: Total (Earned - Spent) in the 'Money Infos' tooltip. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Vault & Shared Storage now update themselves properly. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Shared Storage is now really shared with all your alt on same server. Thx DaBear78!

v1.20.31 (2012/06/14)
- Change: Tooltip skin to use in-game skin.
- Change: Delete icon to use in-game image.
- Add: Ability to show in-game day & night time. Thx DooDah!

v1.19.30 (2012/05/26)
- Add: Vault ability.
- Add: Shared Storage ability.
- Fix: Change to 'ItemInfo' function.
- Fix: Error when closing window & pressing 'esc' to close them.

v1.18.29 (2012/05/24)
- Tweak: Auto size function code.
- Fix: Both time will not show if option "Show server time" is uncheck when option "Both time" is check.
- Fix: Player location will not change to "Enter a city!" when creating a profile.
- Fix: Now show message if no stackable item was found in bag & auto height up to 10 items.
- Fix: Daily earned/spent of all your character will be keep even if TitanBar is reloaded. It will only be deleted if day as change.
- Cor: 'EN' & 'FR' correction.

v1.18.28 (2012/05/22)
- Fix: Player location now work properly in 'DE'.
- Fix: Durability control now show % properly if no items was equipped.
- Add: Ability to show gold earned/spent since login for all your characters. Thx kwiat_w!
- Tweak: 'Back color' window code.
- Fix: Now show message if no item in tracking list was found in bag.
- Fix: Item quantity in tracking list now show properly.
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by DaBear78!, thx!

v1.17.27 (2012/05/17)
- Fix: Option to apply color to all control in the 'Set Back Color' window will now be save.
- Change: Item durability & name in the tooltip will change color depending of it's wear state.
- Add: Infamy/Renown control. Thx Thaodan! (Need the 'Advancement' channel to be active!)

v1.16.26 (2012/05/12)
- Fix: Player coins not save properly when displaying player money and total money & added a message if no wallet info was found.
- Fix: Tooltip now hide when moving is control.

v1.16.25 (2012/05/10)
- Change: The way items will be shown in the 'durability tooltip'
- Add: Ability to show player money and total money at the same time. Thx bravejohn!
- Fix: Error when closing window & pressing 'esc' to close them.

v1.15.24 (2012/05/10)
- Fix: 'items tracking' & 'money tooltip' now show properly if TitanBar is set at bottom. Thx Wicky71!

v1.15.23 (2012/05/09)
- Fix: Locale shell command now work properly.
- Add: Ability to show either free or used slots infos & max slots. Thx kwiat_w!

v1.14.22 (2012/05/06)
- Add: The % on icon when not showing item name in the durability tooltip. Thx DaBear78!
- Tweak: The way tootip are created.

v1.14.21c (2012/05/05)
- Fix: Tracking list now save data properly, my bad :p Thx DaBear78!

v1.14.21 (2012/05/04)
- Add: If tracking an item that as a quantity of 10 or less the quantity & item name will be in red. Thx Wicky71!
- Fix: Durability % was not updating if Equipment control was not active. Thx DaBear78!
- Add: The ability to customize the durability tooltip output. Thx DaBear78!
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by DaBear78!, thx!
- Fix: Durability text split onto 2 lines when using verdana12+ font. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Deleting character coinage in the money infos window now work properly. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Money control now handle up to 9 digits gold amount. Thx Cutholen!
- Fix: Item tracking window was not loading properly in 'DE'. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Profile will only load if in the correct language format.

v1.13.20 (2012/04/28)
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by DaBear78!, thx!
- Change: Durability tooltip will show only damaged items. Thx Thaodan!
- Fix: Back color flicking when clicking an item in the item tracking window.

v1.13.19 (2012/04/27)
- Fix: Forgot "Mitigations" & "Resistances" title in the player infos tooltip, my bad!
- Add: Custom item tracking. Thx MrsAngelID!

v1.12.18 (2012/04/25)
- Fix: In 12h format midnight was showing "0:00am" instead of "12:00am". Thx MrsAngelID!
- Fix: Control was shaking when moving. That's because of the change made to the way of changing icon size.
- Change: Durability infos window is now a ToolTip.
- Change: Equipment infos window is now a ToolTip.
- Change: Money infos control ToolTip will now show wallet(Coins) content.
- Add: Player stats has a ToolTip. Thx MrsAngelID!
- Fix: Money control apperance. (not visible because all coins was in 1 control, now it's 3 control side by side)
- Fix: Tooltip not showing properly when TitanBar is dock at bottom of screen.
- Fix: 'math.round' not working properly for some user, workaround added to get the same result. Thx Sol!
- Add: shell command "/titanbar pw" to print current player currency to chat box, to get the name of currency I don't have. :P
- Tweak: Background window code.
- Add: Option to hide/show your character coinage to all your character.

v1.11.17 (2012/04/21)
- Change: The way to re-size the icon.
- Remove: Some useless resources files.
- Add: Durability icon will change color depending of your equipment durability. (New icon)
- Add: Ability to set TitanBar at bottom of screen. Not recommended since UI element can't be move. Thx st5555!

v1.11.16 (2012/04/17)
- Fix: Removed "Shard", "Skirmish Mark" & "Medallion" from menu when in Monster Play, only showing "Commendation".
- Fix: Bag icon some time not showing.
- Fix: "Time" control was not keeping is height when changing GMT value when TitanBar height change.
- Fix: "Auto hide" function was not working properly when hide in "Only in combat".
- Change: Loading timer now query equipment API every 3 secs up from every second. (Try to eat less fps)

v1.11.15 (2012/04/12)
- Tweak: Control code. (remove 2 unnecessary function in each control)
- Change: Remove icon size in text.
- Cor: 'FR' correction.
- Fix: Drop Down box does not show the right icon size if the user change the language.
- Fix: Control text & icon showing properly when TitanBar is less then 30 px height.

v1.11.14 (2012/04/09)
- Add: Ability to change TitanBar height. Thx Firedancer!
- Add: Ability to change TitanBar font & font size with in-game available font. Thx Firedancer!
- Add: Ability to change icon size. Thx Firedancer!
- Add: Ability to view 'real', 'server' or both time. Thx WhisQ! (Server time based on user defined GMT)
- Add: Ability to hide in combat, always hide or disabled.
- Add: Bag icon will change color depending of bag capacity.
- Fix: Some Monster Play menu bug.
- Cor: 'FR', 'EN' & 'DE' correction.
- Fix: Durability infos was not updating properly, my bad! Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: All window will remember its position. (Forgot Background & Shell commands)

v1.10.13 (2012/04/05)
- Add: Ability to remove specific character wallet infos from 'wallet window'. Thx DaBear78!
- Add: ability to save settings in a profile to be used with all your characters. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Session play wallet will not be saved anymore. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: In 'Wallet window' sometime show a "0" in front of coin quantity. Ex. "07" rather "7". Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Long character name was broken into 2 lines in the 'Wallet window'. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Control was getting out of bound when dragging.
- Fix: Control was going behind other control.
- Fix: Control will be replaced if screen width has changed. (Only when loaded/reloaded)
- Fix: Right side bubble was off.
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by DaBear78!, thx!
- Cor: 'FR' & 'EN' correction
- Fix: All window will remember its position.

v1.9.12 (2012/03/24)
- Fix: Equipment info not avail when using in-game plugin manager. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Wallet currency not working in Germain client. Thx DaBear78!
- Fix: Player location will be saved.

v1.9.11 (2012/03/23)
- Fix: Minor bug when using TitanBar in Monster Play.
- Fix: 'Seal' control icon resource.
- Fix: 'Commendation' control that was not updating because of is name been 'Commodation'. My bad :P Thx to Ela & his kinmate!

v1.9.10 (2012/03/22)
- Fix: Working again properly in Monsters play.
- Fix: Missing 'DE' tooltip text for the 'Seal' control. Thx DaBear78!

- Add: TitanBar will hide when in "UI reposition mode". Thx Plinius!
- Add: 'Seal' control.
- Add: Commendation control.
- Fix: Third attempt to Load TitanBar & update properly newly added control when using in-game Plugin Manager.
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by Wicky, thx!

- Add: 'Medallion' control.
- Fix: Second attempt to fix TitanBar to load if using in-game Plugin Manager.

v1.7.9c (2012/03/17)
- Fix: Newly added currency prevented TitanBar to load if using in-game Plugin Manager. My bad :p

v1.7.9 (2012/03/16)
- Add: Added ability to move any controls. Thx Plinius!
- Add: 'Shard' control.
- Add: 'Skirmish Mark' control.
- Add: Left click once to open the option window of a control, left click again to close it.
- Fix: Now working properly in monster play, some control are not available in monster play.
- Fix: Alpha color that was not persistent when changing alpha value and clicking multiple color.

v1.6.8 (2012/03/11)
- Add: Added ability to set clock to 12h or 24h format. Thx Kalex!
- Fix: 'DE' correction made by Wicky, thx!

v1.5.6 (2012/02/29) (Should be v1.5.7)
- Add: Added ability of displaying the character's current money or all your characters. Thx aens!
- Tweak: Load settings code.

v1.4.6 (2012/02/25)
- Cor: 'DE' correction made by Wicky, thx!
- Fix: 'Wallet' window calculation and placement made by Wicky, thx!
- Fix: 'Wallet' window crashing lotro. Thx diskape!.

v1.4.5c2 (2012/02/22)
- Fix: again "The data load event handler must be specified and a valid function." bug.

v1.4.5c (2012/02/22)
- Fix: "The data load event handler must be specified and a valid function." bug.

v1.4.5 (2012/02/22)
- Add: Added ability to keep track of the total money between all of your characters. Thx aens!
- Fix: 'Equipement infos' & 'Durability' was not updating properly, my bad :P
- Tweak: Code of 'Durability' control, 'Equipment Infos' window & 'Durability Infos' window.

v1.3.4c (2012/02/21)
- Fix: 'Durability' control that was freezing the client when any item was damaged of repaired. My bad!

v1.3.4 (2012/02/20)
- Fix: Settings was not saving 'Durability' control visibility when no settings was found.
- Fix: The 'Reset all control & TitanBar back color' that was not working properly.
- Change: 'Save' button in the 'Set Back Color' window is now always enable. (In case you forgot to save your selected color in the first place)
- Fix: TitanBar timer that was eating 4 FPS (For me), it's now back to normal.
- Tweak: Code of all control.

v1.3.3 (2012/02/18)
- Add: 'Player Location' control & his shell commands "/titanbar pl".
- Add: 'Durability' control & his shell commands "/titanbar di".
- Add: shell commands "/titanbar sc".
- Add: ability to reload one or all control. (From Control menu)
- Fix: Align right ToolTip bubble with cursor.
- Change: Move class file into "Class" directory.
- Fix: 'DE' correction made by Wicky, thx!
- Fix: Now showing special character in 'fr' language.
- Tweak: Code of some functions.

v1.2.2 (2012/02/15)
- Add: 'Equipement' control & his shell commands "/titanbar ei".
- Fix: TitanBar will not be 'Always on top'.
- Add: 'Rune-Keeper' & 'Warden' icon resourece until I found the in-game hex code for those class.
- Fix: The 'bag' control was not updating properly when an item was removed.
- Fix: The 'Set Back color' window text now showing in user selected language.
- Fix: Shell command now use user selected language.

v1.1.1 (2012/02/12)
- Add: Compatible .pluginCompendium file for LotrOnion support (http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info668-LotROnionMMOUIPlugin.html)
- Add: Ability to apply TitanBar back color to one or all control. (From Control menu)
- Add: Ability to reset back color of one, all control or all control & TitanBar. (From Control menu)
- Add: Ability to apply a control back color to all control, all control & TitanBar or TitanBar. (From Control menu)
- Add: Ability to unload one or all control. (From Control menu)
- Add: Ability to reset back color of TitanBar or TitanBar & all control. (From TitanBar menu)
- Add: Shell commands "/titanbar mi" & "/titanbar dp".
- Add: Shell commands window.
- Add: 'Wallet' & 'Destiny Point' control.
- Change: Control variable in menu from local to global.
- Fix: Text in the 'Set Back color' window was not reflecting user selected language.
- Fix: 'Set Back color' window will hide if 'F12' key is press.
- Fix: 'Set Back color' window will unload if 'Esc' key is press.
- Move: All control files into "Control" directory.

v1.0.0 (2012/02/11)
- Initial release
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