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Represents a 4 channel color with red, green, blue, and alpha.


Name Description
Color Initializes a new color.


Name Description
Color() Initializes a new color.
Color(r, g, b) Initializes a new color from r, g, b components.
Color(a, r, g, b) Initializes a new color from a, r, g, b components.


Name Description
A The alpha component.
B The blue component.
G The green component.
R The red component.

Default colors

AliceBlue, AntiqueWhite, Aqua, Aquamarine, Azure, Beige, Bisque, Black, BlanchedAlmond, Blue, BlueViolet, Brown, BurlyWood, CadetBlue, Chartreuse, Chocolate, Coral, CornflowerBlue, Cornsilk, Crimson, Cyan, DarkBlue, DarkCyan, DarkGoldenrod, DarkGray, DarkGreen, DarkKhaki, DarkMagenta, DarkOliveGreen, DarkOrange, DarkOrchid, DarkRed, DarkSalmon, DarkSeaGreen, DarkSlateBlue, DarkSlateGray, DarkTurquoise, DarkViolet, DeepPink, DeepSkyBlue, DimGray, DodgerBlue, Firebrick, FloralWhite, ForestGreen, Fuchsia, Gainsboro, GhostWhite, Gold, Goldenrod, Gray, Green, GreenYellow, Honeydew, HotPink, IndianRed, Indigo, Ivory, Khaki, Lavender, LavenderBlush, LawnGreen, LemonChiffon, LightBlue, LightCoral, LightCyan, LightGoldenrodYellow, LightGray, LightGreen, LightPink, LightSalmon, LightSeaGreen, LightSkyBlue, LightSlateGray, LightSteelBlue, LightYellow, Lime, LimeGreen, Linen, Magenta, Maroon, MediumAquamarine, MediumBlue, MediumOrchid, MediumPurple, MediumSeaGreen, MediumSlateBlue, MediumSpringGreen, MediumTurquoise, MediumVioletRed, MidnightBlue, MintCream, MistyRose, Moccasin, NavajoWhite, Navy, OldLace, Olive, OliveDrab, Orange, OrangeRed, Orchid, PaleGoldenrod, PaleGreen, PaleTurquoise, PaleVioletRed, PapayaWhip, PeachPuff, Peru, Pink, Plum, PowderBlue, Purple, Red, RosyBrown, RoyalBlue, SaddleBrown, Salmon, SandyBrown, SeaGreen, SeaShell, Sienna, Silver, SkyBlue, SlateBlue, SlateGray, Snow, SpringGreen, SteelBlue, Tan, Teal, Thistle, Tomato, Transparent, Turquoise, Violet, Wheat, White, WhiteSmoke, Yellow, YellowGreen.


A simple color class with the following fields directly accessible in lua script: R, G, B, and A. The color components are number values in the range of 0.0 to 1.0.The red component.The green component.The blue component.The alpha component.


This example demonstrates the Color class.

Demonstrates a Color
newColor = Turbine.UI.Color();
newColor.R = 1.0;
newColor.G = 1.0;
newColor.B = 0.0;
newColor.A = 1.0;

blue = Turbine.UI.Color( 0, 0, 1 );

-- Pass the colors to any control to set their colors.

Inheritence Hierarchy


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