ScrollBar (Lotro)

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A standard Lord of the Rings scroll bar.


Name Description
GetAllowDrop Gets if the control supports drop operations from drag and drop. (Inherited from Control)
GetBackColor Gets the solid background color of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetBackColorBlendMode Gets the blend mode applied to the background color. (Inherited from Control)
GetBlendMode Gets the blend mode applied to the background image. (Inherited from Control)
GetControls Gets the list of child controls. (Inherited from Control)
GetDecrementButton Gets the button that is used to decrement the value. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetHeight Gets the height of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetIncrementButton Gets the button that is used to increment the value. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetLargeChange Gets the large change value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetLeft Gets the left coordinate of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetMaximum Gets the maximum value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetMinimum Gets the minimum value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetMousePosition Gets the mouse position relative to this control. (Inherited from Control)
GetMouseVisible Gets a flag indicating if the mouse will see this control. (Inherited from Control)
GetOpacity Gets the opacity of the window. (Inherited from Control)
GetOrientation Gets the orientation of the scroll bar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetParent Gets the parent of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetPosition Gets the position of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetSize Gets the size of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetSmallChange Gets the small change value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetThumbButton Gets the thumb button. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetTop Gets the top coordinate of the window. (Inherited from Control)
GetValue Gets the current value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
GetWantsKeyEvents Gets a flag indicating if the control wants to receive key events. (Inherited from Control)
GetWantsUpdates Gets the flag indicating if the control wants to receive Update notifications. (Inherited from Control)
GetWidth Gets the width of the control. (Inherited from Control)
GetZOrder Gets the Z ordering index of the control. (Inherited from Control)
IsAltKeyDown Test if the alt key is pressed. (Inherited from Control)
IsControlKeyDown Test if the control key is pressed. (Inherited from Control)
IsEnabled Gets a flag indicating if the control is enabled. (Inherited from Control)
IsShiftKeyDown Test if the shift key is pressed. (Inherited from Control)
IsVisible Gets a flag indicating if the control is visible. (Inherited from Control)
PointToClient Converts a coordinate from control space to screen space. (Inherited from Control)
PointToScreen Converts a coordinate from control space to screen space. (Inherited from Control)
SetAllowDrop Sets if the control supports drop operations from drag and drop. (Inherited from Control)
SetBackColor Sets the background color of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetBackColorBlendMode Sets the blend mode applied to the background color. (Inherited from Control)
SetBackground Sets the background image of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetBlendMode Sets the blend mode applied to the background image. (Inherited from Control)
SetDecrementButton Sets the button that is used to decrement the value. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetEnabled Sets a flag indicating if the control is enabled. (Inherited from Control)
SetHeight Sets the height of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetIncrementButton Sets the button that is used to increment the value. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetLargeChange Sets the large change value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetLeft Sets the left coordinate of the window. (Inherited from Control)
SetMaximum Sets the maximum value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetMinimum Sets the minimum value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetMouseVisible Gets a flag indicating if the mouse will see this control. (Inherited from Control)
SetOpacity Sets the opacity of the window. (Inherited from Control)
SetOrientation Sets the orientation of the scroll bar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetParent Sets the parent of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetPosition Sets the position of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetSize Sets the size of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetSmallChange Sets the small change value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetThumbButton Sets the thumb button. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetTop Sets the top coordinate of the window. (Inherited from Control)
SetValue Sets the current value of the scrollbar. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
SetVisible Sets the visible flag of a control. (Inherited from Control)
SetWantsKeyEvents Sets a flag indicating if the control wants to receive key events. (Inherited from Control)
SetWantsUpdates Sets the flag indicating if the cotnrol wants to receive update notifications. (Inherited from Control)
SetWidth Sets the width of the control. (Inherited from Control)
SetZOrder Sets the Z order of the control. (Inherited from Control)


Name Description
DragDrop Event fired when a drag drop operation is completed. (Inherited from Control)
DragEnter Event fired when a drag drop operation enters the control. (Inherited from Control)
DragLeave Event fired when a drag drop operation leaves the control. (Inherited from Control)
EnabledChanged Event fired when the enabled state of the control changes. (Inherited from Control)
FocusGained Event fired when the control gains focus. (Inherited from Control)
FocusLost Event fired when the control loses focus. (Inherited from Control)
KeyDown Event fired when a key is pressed down. (Inherited from Control)
KeyUp Event fired when a key is released. (Inherited from Control)
MouseClick Event fired when a mouse button is clicked. (Inherited from Control)
MouseDoubleClick Event fired when a mouse button is double clicked. (Inherited from Control)
MouseDown Event fired when a mouse button is pressed. (Inherited from Control)
MouseEnter Event fired when the mouse enters the control. (Inherited from Control)
MouseHover Event fired when the mouse is hovering over the control. (Inherited from Control)
MouseLeave Event fired when the mouse leaves the cotnrol. (Inherited from Control)
MouseMove Event fired when the mouse moves. (Inherited from Control)
MouseUp Event fired when a mouse button is released. (Inherited from Control)
MouseWheel Event fired when a mouse wheel moves. (Inherited from Control)
OrientationChanged Event fired when the orientation has changed.
OrientationChanged Event fired when the orientation has changed. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
PositionChanged Event fired when the position of the control changes. (Inherited from Control)
SizeChanged Event fired when the size of the control changes. (Inherited from Control)
Update Event fired every frame when WantsUpdates is enabled. (Inherited from Control)
ValueChanged Event fired when the value has changed. (Inherited from ScrollBar)
VisibleChanged Event fired when the visible state of the control changes. (Inherited from Control)


A window that provides the look and feel of the Lord of the Rings in game scroll bar.

Inheritence Hierarchy


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