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D.H1cks's Portal : Feature List Sort Options Feature Request RSS Feed
Flagged for Future Version
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
24 Lockable toggle button 06-15-2011 04:03 PM Bogumil Travel Window
By: Bogumil
06-15-2011 07:19 PM
29 Copy panel data from one skin to another 08-22-2011 08:46 AM D.H1cks LOTRO Skin Editor None.
32 Search function 11-23-2011 04:04 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 08:32 AM
35 OnMouseover tooltip / identifier 11-23-2011 08:25 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 10:50 PM
Feature Implemented
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
31 Expand/Collapse Button(s) 11-23-2011 03:56 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: Modnar
11-25-2011 01:37 AM
33 Clear viewer / Hide All 11-23-2011 07:44 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-24-2011 07:58 AM
36 Program menu changes 11-23-2011 09:50 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 08:37 AM
37 Add skin name warning dialog 11-23-2011 10:30 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-24-2011 08:32 AM
Wont add Feature
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
34 Show all active UI Elements in Navigation Panel 11-23-2011 08:13 PM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 06:28 AM
Awaiting Feedback
ID Feature Date By Interface Notes
38 Copy to clipboard functions 11-25-2011 03:44 AM Modnar LOTRO Skin Editor
By: Modnar
11-25-2011 05:35 PM
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