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My first skin is released - EvolutionBar (only mainbar)
By: Weezl - 07-06-2007 05:13 AM
Weezl's Avatar This is my first real interface replacement.

The goal was to get a very minimalistic and optimal mainbar suited for my resolution (1680x1050).

In the future this toolbar is meant to be one part of my complete interface replacement "Evolution" (hence the name).

New version of LotRO Interface Manager (0.3b) is released
By: Weezl - 07-06-2007 05:09 AM
Weezl's Avatar The new version, 0.3, now supports installing interface positioning with toolbar alignment and visual preview as well as installing new interfaces

Welcome to Weezl's new author portal!
By: Weezl - 07-04-2007 12:35 PM
Weezl's Avatar In progress
Currently i'm working on the following
  • My first full skin, Evolution
  • Minor updates of LotRO Interface manager (LIM)
  • A draft to my LotRO Interface Meta Extensions (LIME) specification
  • Tweaks of EvolutionBar

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