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Thurallor's Portal : Interface List
Title Version Category Downloads Date
SequenceBars   Popular! 4.19 Action Bars & Main Bar 292,021 04-07-2023 05:55 PM
Class Trait Points Checklist (OBSOLETE)   Popular! 1.26 Other 129,987 08-29-2022 04:04 PM
BuffMonitor   Popular! 2.03 Action Bars & Main Bar 93,394 11-06-2022 10:16 PM
Reminders   Popular! 3.01 Other 85,214 04-16-2023 08:44 PM
Mouse Finder   Popular! 1.05 Other 70,841 11-15-2022 01:46 PM
Friend Alert   Popular! v1.12 Other 47,244 11-21-2022 02:37 PM
AssetBrowser   Popular! 3.14 LotRO Tools & Utilities for Developers 42,012 08-28-2020 01:12 PM
Have Aggro   Popular! 1.03 LotRO Stand-Alone Plugins 35,913 11-15-2022 02:00 PM
BuffMonitor with Quickslots (OBSOLETE)   Popular! 1.1.4 LotRO Patches 27,061 02-10-2021 08:47 PM
Inventory Bag ID Descrambler   Popular! 1.3 Bags, Bank & Inventory 27,012 08-03-2017 05:03 AM
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