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JRR addon : SmallBar
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
124 Toolbar sizes 08-10-2015 12:13 PM Nunocctavira Unconfirmed None.
JRR Azure Glass
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
144 greyed out skillbar 04-04-2020 08:41 AM luqon Unconfirmed None.
166 Avatar Image missing 11-08-2023 05:36 PM Synoke Unconfirmed None.
JRR Skins collection - A tribute to middle earth
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
161 Portrait grows 01-08-2023 09:24 PM GlowSOE Unconfirmed
By: Caerulean
06-04-2023 01:44 AM
163 Shop Button & Target Skin 05-03-2023 11:36 PM Dexter Unconfirmed None.
167 3D Portrait Not Showing after U38 Update 11-08-2023 06:59 PM Toanstation Unconfirmed None.
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