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LOTRO Skin Editor
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
41 Properties number value editing 07-26-2011 12:51 AM zanttux Fixed
By: D.H1cks
07-27-2011 06:21 AM
49 Element properties not automatically updating. 09-27-2011 03:34 PM D.H1cks Fixed None.
56 Max Window Button doesn't work 11-23-2011 08:46 PM Modnar Cant Reproduce
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 08:21 AM
57 Viewer Pane limited in size 11-23-2011 09:03 PM Modnar Not a Bug
By: D.H1cks
11-25-2011 08:23 AM
59 Won't initialize 12-02-2011 03:50 AM Adder Unconfirmed
By: D.H1cks
12-07-2011 05:55 AM
63 Screenshot Icon appearance 12-06-2011 02:43 PM Modnar Confirmed (Working on Fix)
By: D.H1cks
12-06-2011 07:54 PM
71 red crossline and no gfx 02-19-2012 05:36 PM bunny Unconfirmed None.
Travel Window
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
93 When trying to uload - client crashes 10-25-2012 11:13 PM kraoon Unconfirmed
By: kraoon
10-25-2012 11:21 PM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
134 Standing Stones now runs Lotro and Champions fervour has stopped working 10-17-2017 08:47 AM Laegis Unconfirmed None.
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