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I have switched from Skin work to LUA coding. The philosophy of my plugins is;
  • To enhance the UI, not replace it.
  • To aid gameplay, not make it easy.
  • To code as well as I can.
  • To fix bug reports as quickly as possible.
This is the current Roadmap I have for my plugins;

  • Align is currently fine. Only updates if new feature requests/bug reports
  • Bug-fix only now.
  • Will continue to bug fix where needed, however this has been folded into BevyOBars 2.
>Bevy o' Bars
  • Upload new version when Alpha test done.

Bevy o' Bars 2
By: MrJackdaw - 12-30-2010 12:20 AM
MrJackdaw's Avatar I will be uploading the new Bevy o' Bars over the weekend, as I have had no bug reports from the alpha testers.

The new version adds a lot to the plugin, all completely optional to load. This means the plugin will only automate what you want it to automate, including the fading function. PopUps have been integrated into the code as well.

The nature of this release, however, as it is such a massive re-write, is that the old saves won't work. For that reason, it will now load into a different folder completely, so that both versions could run side-by-side making switching from one to the other relatively painless.

Fully Updated... well... nearly!
By: MrJackdaw - 12-05-2010 09:08 AM
MrJackdaw's Avatar All of the plugins are updated and a few new features have crept in here and there. Bevy Bars now has its first extension with the Hider Bar, and can now lock bars. These are both alpha features - who know what could go wrong under this new patch! PopUps works again, as does align.

Warden Indicator is new, and intended for training, rather than permanent use. I really must make that more clear in the Plugins description.

The only plugin that significantly worries me is Sortpack, which was only ever intended as a little side-project. It is very difficult to pin down its bugs, and fixing them has proven to be a nightmare. I am trying to think of some new algorithms to help save this plugin - but they all depend on some decent free space in the players pack. *sigh*

Back to the drawing board!

November Update
By: MrJackdaw - 11-28-2010 10:42 AM
MrJackdaw's Avatar Not being an avid follower of the US forums means I am not 100% aware of what the new patch brings with it. So, sadly I can't update my plugins until they arrive - and they arrive in Europe late.

As soon as they are here I will be updating in this order;
  • Align
  • Bevy Bars
  • Pop Ups
  • Warden Indicator (A new release which I am currently playtesting)
  • Sort Pack
  • Buff Watch (Which should finally get a full release)

Plugins coming to Europe!
By: MrJackdaw - 10-30-2010 08:36 AM
MrJackdaw's Avatar Forget free-to-play - Plugins come to Europe on Tuesday!

Finally I will be able to write instructions for BuffWatch and get it posted... as well as being able to use my plugins myself.

No, seriously - I have been looking forward to this!

By: MrJackdaw - 10-01-2010 12:50 AM
MrJackdaw's Avatar As the end of the month was fast approaching, and codemasters had said that this was the release date for f2p in Europe I decided to wait to test my plugins and have a short holiday from coding.

Now it seems the wait is "a few weeks more" - so I am going back to the American server and my little level 6 Hunter! I am away this weekend however, so it will be toward the end of next week before any updates appear.


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