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LoTRO Alerts
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
46 Alerts recognize Combat State 02-29-2012 05:48 PM Araward Flagged for Future Version
By: Garan
02-29-2012 07:28 PM
47 Indefinately visible persistent alerts 02-29-2012 06:06 PM Araward Under Review
By: Garan
02-29-2012 07:44 PM
48 List of Examples 02-29-2012 06:13 PM Araward Currently Working On
By: Cordeval
03-08-2012 03:58 PM
49 Ability to set a tone/sound for an alert. 02-29-2012 06:21 PM Araward Feature not possible
By: Garan
02-29-2012 07:35 PM
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
73 Currency gains & loses per session 10-21-2015 07:42 PM Aedelric Currently Working On
By: Garan
02-13-2022 10:13 AM
Alt Inventory
ID Feature Date By Status Notes
79 Ability to click on items to try them in dressing room. 01-14-2022 02:00 PM dt192 Feature not possible
By: Garan
02-13-2022 10:17 AM
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