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Daily Tasks reference
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
36 Level requirement in window mode 04-08-2011 08:45 AM D.H1cks Unconfirmed
By: Vinny
04-08-2011 01:56 PM
37 cannot load dailytasks 04-08-2011 11:39 AM mikekangas Unconfirmed
By: Vinny
04-08-2011 01:54 PM
43 unable to load dailytasks 08-10-2011 01:42 PM vieffan Unconfirmed None.
45 Error in Jagged claw Reference 09-09-2011 11:37 AM peloxi Unconfirmed None.
70 trading an item from bag 4/5 to user without similar bag and DT loaded causes an instant crash 01-26-2012 04:15 PM tpeland Unconfirmed None.
98 Heavy Carapace in Oatbarton 01-24-2013 12:08 PM Areswolf Unconfirmed None.
108 Shattered hatchets 12-03-2013 07:16 AM Bogumil Unconfirmed None.
138 multiple load errors 12-25-2018 01:30 PM fargone Unconfirmed None.
139 multiple load errors 12-25-2018 01:35 PM fargone Unconfirmed None.
Event Timer
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
42 Deleting multiple events causes nil vale error 07-30-2011 07:45 AM Bogumil Unconfirmed
By: Bogumil
12-03-2013 07:18 AM
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