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Homeopatix's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
151 Empty stable + show random pet option causes error that prevents opening the stable 12-28-2021 03:38 AM kbulgrien Unconfirmed None.
152 Help (and information on this plugin's page) omits mentioning /pe alt to enable/disable use of ALT 12-28-2021 03:40 AM kbulgrien Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
156 Alt Gold 01-09-2022 11:01 PM Hobococo Unconfirmed None.
157 v4.0 04.02.2022 ..Homeopatix\AltHolic\FCT.lua:497: attempt to call global 'Updatebar' (a nil value) 03-22-2022 11:35 PM kbulgrien Unconfirmed None.
160 concatenate error 09-24-2022 11:35 AM traveller Unconfirmed
By: traveller
09-24-2022 11:53 AM
165 Arithmatic on nil value after having received first trait point 09-13-2023 04:06 PM Ereglam Unconfirmed None.
170 getting negative reputation for Fushaum Bal north (Mordor): PlugIn produces error 03-28-2024 05:55 PM Ereglam Unconfirmed
By: Ereglam
04-17-2024 04:11 PM
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