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JRR Azure Glass release notes
JRR Azure Glass release notes

Version 34 :

- Added a 8th toolbar profile : BGM custom short with energy meter bar (which I called previously efficiency meter bar).

- Changed the naming of each theme profile, this means :
You must delete the previous Azure Glass installation folder before installing this new version.
You will have to re-select your chosen skin on each of your characters.

Don't forget the panel customizations (including custom toolbar) will be applied only after the next log in of your character.

Here is the naming chart I defined to rename the profiles, depending their toolbar :

universal = Uses the default toolbar panel code from lotro. It fits with any screen resolution.
Any theme name featuring this word can easily be used by anyone.

custom Indicates that the toolbar is designed using a custom toolbar panel code.
This unfortunately requires to manually edit its skindefinition.xml file with a text editor in order to fit the user's screen resolution (if it is different from the one used in the file).

Short = actually shortened toolbar using a custom toolbar panel code

Light = an universal toolbar visually shortened by turning invisible the side buttons.

wide = full length toolbar.

utrawide = extra length toolbar.

Name changes :

azure glass Basic => Custom - Ultrawide Basic

azure glass "universal" => Wide universal toolbar

azure glass 1x1 BGM => Custom short BGM

azure glass 1x1 => Custom wide

azure glass 1x2 => Custom ultrawide 1 stage

azure glass 2x2 => Custom ultrawide 2 stages

azure glass 3x2 => Custom ultrawide 3 stages

new profile : Custom short BGM NRG bar

Version 33.2.2 :

- I enlarged the target's target vital frame, targeted objects frame is almost unchanged.
- I suppressed some obsolete or broken panel customization codes:
- "panel displayed when applying an item on a legendary Item"
- "Taller legendary item dismantling result window"
- "Taller Legacy Extraction panel"
- "Store button removal in relic master panel"
- "Expanded master loot window"
- "Store button removal in wallet panel"

Version 33.2 :

No big deal, it only adds the 3 supporter packs portrait frames.

Version 33.1 d :

Many default poorly designed vital bar frame pictures haven been reworked in order to obtain a better centering both for the portrait and the level badge.
Custom brawler mettle bar is enabled within mainbars, BUT be aware that the 9th mettle bar picture, the full one with animation, is currently not supported by skinning so it remains uncustomized.

Version 33.1 :

- Fixes some player and opponent vital frames issues introduced by Lotro
update 33.1

- Some "new" portrait frames included (legendary servers, 15 years anniversary and miscellaneous), but I did not spend much time on customizing it :p

Version 33 - March 22 2022

This update adds only a very partial fix for brawler mettle bar on themes using a custom toolbar. There is no skinning support to do better for now.

Version 7.23.5 - April 29 2019

- Anniversary portraits updated.
- Fixed "buy more mithril coins" button location on the barter panel.
- Fixed the location of the text and the select button for the 8th cosmetic equipment in the inspect panel

Version 7.23.2 - January 09 2019

- Removed the code of the extended quest book as it became obsolete and causing display issues with update 23.2

Version - July 27 2018

Partial patch for the new issue in the quest panel. Should be fixed with lotro update 23.2

Version 6.22.4 - July 27 2018

Updated/fixed the extended quest panel for lotro update 22.4

Version - May 07 2018

- An extended inspect panel is now applied on all the themes.
- Fixed and updated the Panel displayed when applying an item on a legendary Item. It was affected by a lotro client update.

Version 6.22 - April 01 2018
Minor update for Lotro U22

Version 5.21.3 - December 28 2017 Small content update

10th et 11th anniversary portraits
a few other things

Version 5.21.2 - October 28 2017
This update re-enables the toolbar's slots banks switching buttons(sword, shield and horse icons) on custom toolbar.

Version 5.21 - October 21 2017
Lotro update 21.2 introduced 2 new filter buttons on the quest log panel.
This JRR skins pack update consists only in a hotfix and a re-balancing of this panel to relocate the new buttons at the bottom of the panel.
A special big thank to Siloren (software engineer in Standing Stones Games) for working and communicating about the panel code entries which made this fix possible.
Of course thanks too to Andvarion, ScottK and Osdor for informing about this issue and about the solution offered by Siloren.

Version 5.17 - December 23 2015

- It looks like Turbine inverted two frames in the auto attack buttons sequences, I dunno when. I've fixed them.
- Better integration with monster play UI.
- Changed a litlle bit how the name of the target is displayed on the vital portrait, to better support very long names.
- Improvements here and there.

Version 4.17 - December 01 2015

- The skill banks switching buttons (sword/shield/horse) became 99% obsolete since Update 12, as it seems Turbine will never fix the "amnesic" shield bank.
This JRR Azure Glass update hides this function on custom toolbars (= all but "Universal"), this means you won't anymore click accidentally on it during a fight !
Please note that "1x1 BGM" toolbar has now its lotro store button located at the right.
- Nothing more, nothing less. Turbine engineers haven't published new skinning pack updates since U14 (July 2014).

Version 4.16 - August 12 2015

- Added : Taller Panel displayed when applying an item (scroll, crystal, xp...) on a legendary Item. Now displays 8 LI instead of 6 by default.
- Added : Compact connection Status icon. Now you can stick it to the left of your screen or to the right of an UI element.
- Added : Taller enemies tracking panel. Now displays 20 names at once instead of 8 by default.

Version 4.16 - August 12 2015

- Added : Taller Panel displayed when applying an item (scroll, crystal, xp...) on a legendary Item. Now displays 8 LI instead of 6 by default.
- Added : Compact connection Status icon. Now you can stick it to the left of your screen or to the right of an UI element.
- Added : Taller enemies tracking panel. Now displays 20 names at once instead of 8 by default.

Version 4.15 - February 17 2015

- Customized the menu buttons "mail" and "collections".
- Player and opponent vip and anniversary vital bars have been changed / added.
- Let celebrate the women who play lotro (and everyone who like fushia color), the Azure Glass VIP player portrait is now dedicated to all of them :)
- Anniversary vital portraits are now ready to display until the 9th !
- Legendary items placed in 8th and 9 th slot of the legendary items panel had their icon grey, this is now fixed.
- In quest log panel, a button called "add slots" has "recently" been added, and it was not well located in JRR skins, this is now fixed.

Version 4.14b - Very minor update - November 11 2014 (Note to Russian players : This JRR update is compliant with U14.x lotro client)

- Fixed a minor display issue on the extended loot window (which was showing a bit more than 20 items).
- Added an icon on locked travels on the stable master panel.
- warden class : I've disabled the gambit combo name removal. This means now combo names will be displayed.

The combo name can be turned invisible in skindefinition.xml by replacing this paragraph :

 <!-- Gambit combo name removal 
 <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_GambitBar">
 <Element ID="GamePlay_GambitBar" X="710" Y="591" Width="281" Height="118">
 <Element ID="GambitBar" X="0" Y="20" Width="281" Height="98">
 <Element ID="GambitWindow_GambitCashout_Name" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>
with this one :
 <!-- Gambit combo name removal  -->
 <PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_GambitBar">
 <Element ID="GamePlay_GambitBar" X="710" Y="591" Width="281" Height="118">
 <Element ID="GambitBar" X="0" Y="20" Width="281" Height="98">
 <Element ID="GambitWindow_GambitCashout_Name" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>

Version 4.14 - August 09 2014

- added 7th anniversary portraits.
- a fix in auction house and inspect window, to correctly display "lv100" on french (and probably german) lotro clients.
- Some changes on player xp bars.

Version 4.13 - May 01 2014

- This update only consists into a customization of the 4 new bags greyed icons introduced in Update 13.

V.4.12 February 01 2014 - Helm's Deep release !

- Fixed the customization of the tooltip windows.
- Customized the traits panel.
- Customized the big battles panels.
- Updated character's panel level shield background.
- Customized the pop up class skill slots.
- Customized the "great battles" toolbar menu icon.
- Updated the player & opponent vital codes.
- Customized the fellow defeat vital bar and the speaking icon.

V.4.11b December 16 2013 - a simple hotfix for U12.1

- Fixed the bug on the opponent portrait, introduced by Lotro update 12.1.
- On Azure Glass 1x1 / 1x2 / 2x2 / 3x2 "Hobbies" button is now turned invisible, allowing users to assign it in the toolbar to obtain a "blank" slot and get a cleaner toolbar.

V.4.10d October 01 2013

- A minor update mainly focused on vital bars. As requested by several users, most JRR skins now display custom opponent anniversary/VIP/festival portraits.

V.4.10c August 26 2013

- Fixes a display bug on "Basic" toolbar.

V.4.10b August 24 2013

This release is only an attempt to reduce the performance drop reported by three persons on panels containing a scrollbar.
I can't guarantee it will be effective since I don't encounter this issue on my own computer.
No new content has been added since v4.10

V.4.10 August 22 2013

- Vital bars : Player and opponent vital bars no more have the default 1 pixel shift between heath and power bars.
- Auction house : Moved the "unlock slots" button to the bottom left of the panel.
- Wardens : Some profiles didn't had the custom gambit, this is now fixed.
- "_JRR Azure Glass *Basic*" toolbar can now easier be located at the right of the screen, some other parts of the code have also been slightly enhanced.
- "_JRR Azure Glass 1x1 BGM" toolbar has been modified to easy allow its location at the left or at the right of the screen. The values required to center this toolbar have changed.
- "_JRR Azure Glass 1x1"toolbar has been re-designed, I cross fingers you will prefer the new one :p
- Turned back ON the store button on the wallet panel.

V.4.9 July 26 2013

- I've extended the crafting Panel, the Legacy Extraction Panel, and the Legendary Item Dismantling Result window.
- Fixed/adjusted the Weaver (monster play) venom pip meter
- Reworked the quest log main bar to fix many French and German minor localization issues.
- Fixed many minor German localization issues on auction panel.
- Dressing room : Enhanced the dye panel design and the drag bar
- Re-worked the color bars from the stable master's travel panel.

V.4.8 June 20 2013 - Update 11.1 release (minor update)

- Fixes broken "buy now" buttons.
- Added customized "VIP" portraits.
- Customized the few last missing system buttons.

V.4.7 May 11 2013
- Update 11 release (minor update)

V.4.6c April 21 2013 Critical update

- A bug introduced in v4.6 was blocking the display of the master loot panel and the need/greed/pass window (present in non-scalable instances), this is now fixed, thanks to DaBear78my for reporting me this issue and my apologies for it.

V.4.6 April 16 2013

- I've skinned the remote looting window and the Lotro Store panel borders.
- I've drawn a more visible red frame around unusable item icons.
- I changed my monitor, the consequence is that the skins based on a custom toolbar are now tuned by default for 2560x1440 resolution.
- Still not found the stable master panel background element name/code :(
- Modified the extended master loot windows panel code.

V.4.5 March 13 2013 Update 10 release.

- Fixes the many default blue UI over layers.
- Customized the winter festival player vital.
- Customized the 6th anniversary player vital.

V.4.4 February 20 2013 Major update

- Converted Azure Glass addon to a standalone UI, this means you don't need any more to install/update the JRR skins collection pack.
Don't hesitate to let me know if a picture appears to be broken.
- Added a new profile : Azure Glass 1x1 BGM style.
- Many minor panel enhancements.

V.4.3b February 06 2013

- removed the magnifying glass icon from the bags on all profiles.
- some minor fixes in "basic" toolbar (tutorial highlight frames) and removed the Lotro store button from the toolbar (it can still be accessed by pressing both [MAJ] + [S] keys)
- I redesigned the skill banks switching buttons to compact it in a unique clickable button implemented in "Basic" and "1X1" toolbars.

V.4.3 December 18 2012

- Fixed the update 9 new stable master panel.
- Slight color changes on item advancement tabs and legendary item progression tracker.

V.4.2 October 29 2012

Since Rohan expansion has released, custom toolbars require to edit their height value to position the toolbar.
Since JRR v4.0 the addons must be placed beside the JRR folder, and no more inside.

- Toolbars re-designed, explanation text for toolbar positionning in the skindefinition.xml file has been updated to include the "Y" value.
- Open monsters vital bar expansion now customized.
- Map's player locator restored to the default red arrrow.
- Includes some new features from the JRR pack v4.2.
- Requires JRR v4.2 or above installed.

V.4.1b October 11 2012
Small fix : Better placement of the skills banks switching arrows.

V.4.1 October 11 2012 Major update : Riders of Rohan pre-release.
- Requires JRR v4.1 or above installed, please delete any previous installation folder of JRR and its addons before installing v4.1. (MMOUI Minion users don't need to manage that, it's automated)
- The toolbars are updated to support the skills bank switching new feature.
- Known issue : Except for Azure glass Universal profile, you will have to set the toolbars scale to 1.01 (in option panel -> UI Settings) to get the skills and buttons clickable !

V.4.0 09/11/2012
- Requires JRR v4.0 or above installed.
- Installation folder name and location has changed
Please delete any previous installation of JRR and it addons before installing version 4.

- Now supported by LotrOnion (Refer to JRR v4.0 release notes for further informations).

V.3.4 08/08/2012
Requires JRR v3.4 installed.
Enhanced a bit some panels/elements : Instance finder, relic reforge, deed log, mail, tooltip, stable master, upper tab, and more...

V.3.3 07/26/2012
Requires JRR v3.3 or above installed.
Less store buttons within panels, new secure trade panel backgrounds, new quest tracker icon set, fixed the highlight circle around bag icons.

V.3.2 07/17/2012
Requires JRR v3.2 or above installed.

V.2.9b (Hot Fix) 06/12/2012
Fixed a display issue (undesired text title) on bag 6.

V2.8b 05/15/2012
I forgot to re-design the 6th bag button in previous release, this is now fixed.

V2.8 05/14/2012
Reforged all toolbars to fit update 7 requirements.
Enhanced the code of "Basic" toolbar.
Reworked skirmish soldier vitals.
Requires JRR v2.8 (or above) installed.

V2.7b 04/28/2012
Added an "universal" toolbar profile. This 6th toolbar choice complete the wide range of toolbars I wished for Azure Glass.
Minor fixes on "Basic" toolbar.

V2.7 04/28/2012
Manual toolbar centering reintroduced due to a major issue with self centering toolbars (I dunno if it is fixable).
Some minor fixes and enhancements on every toolbars.
Added Azure Glass styled anniversary player vitals. (player only, not opponent)
Requires JRR v2.7 (or above) installed.

Should fix all the crap introduced by the 5th anniversary update ^^

- I forgot to resize 3 pictures on v2.5, this is now fixed.

- Some fixes for the Lotro's 5th anniversary happy UI breakings.

v2.4 :
- Added a new toolbar profile, the "JRR Azure Glass *Basic*".
I completely rebuilt this toolbar from Multibar, by Cannedwolf.
- Same other enhancements than in JRR v2.4.
- Requires JRR v2.4 installed.

v2.2 :
Designed for Lotro update 6

v2.1.1 :
- Redesigned the 1x1 toolbar into a true short bar :
  • XP meter length is divided by two (1 segment = 10%)
  • Main quick-slots bar is positioned to perfectly match with the additional bars into their default locked position.
- Blue colored scrollbars and page previous/next buttons.

- Edited the Orthanc raid instance's big black Saruman ring.
  • this ring is 30 % smaller
  • each phase is clearly numbered (I, II, III...)
  • Since the bottom of the image is blank, you even can Photoshop it to add strategical indications for each phase, as adds preferred kill order ^^
  • The picture files are located in : My documents -> The lords of the rings online -> UI -> skins -> JRR v2 -> JRR CORE -> Saruman
- Requires JRR v2.0 or above installed.

v2.1 :
- Reintroduced a reworked deed log panel plus a few minor improvements.
- Requires JRR v2.0 or above installed.

v2.0 :

- Major update
- Requires JRR v2.0 or above installed
- Require to delete JRR previous Azure Glass installation folder

v1.9 :
- Added a new toolbar profile : "1x1", an almost standard 12 slots quickslot toolbar ^^
- Added 3 panels : fellowship finder, plug-in manager, legendary items xp progress tracker (the missing icon will be fixed with the next JRR release).
- Reworked fervor pips bars and rune keeper's small attunement.
- Some other improvements.
- Require to delete JRR azure glass previous installation folder.

v1.8.1 :
-Adjusted main mail panel size, reworked mail backgrounds.
-Corrected the outdated picture (undersized) in quest log.
-Generated the missing player and opponent vitals for monster play and session play.
-Created a few other vitals.
- New trait panels (bard & skirmish)
- Require JRR v1.8.1 or above installed

v1.8b :
- Reworked the main toolbar : Now xp meter is dark blue, xp progress bar is grey, level text indication turned invisible (but the tooltip is still displayed when the mouse rolls over).
- Reworked deeply the character panel.

v1.8 Major update :
Level meter (xp bar) is now thiner.
New wallet (used JappMe Isengard elements)
New milestone panel (used a BGM 5 element).
A few other adjustments / improvements.
Require JRR v1.8 installed

v1.7b5 :
Some bug fixes, some improvements.

v1.7b4 :
Some design enhancements.

v1.7b3 :
Grabbed some elements from Azure Glass by Arrakis.
- Masked the crappy icons on character panel.
- Modified quest log, vitals, option panel and more...
- Generated backgrounds for character panel, vault and mail.
- Added the 1x2 toolbars profile.

v1.7b2 :
Added the 2x2 toolbars profile.

v1.7b :
- First release as JRR addon. Contains "only" the 3x2 toolbars skin.
- Requires JRR v1.7b installed.
- Removed the original deed log, legendary item advancement and minimap
- Added a lotro store button, fused with JRR's code to complete Azure's.
- Replaced the bugged rune keeper's attunement, replaced the dress-room,
- Generated (quickly and badly ^^) 3 missing icons (bio, pvp, wallet)
- Minor fixes, and more ...
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