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Ability to set a tone/sound for an alert.
Feature #: 49
File: LoTRO Alerts
Date: 02-29-2012 06:21 PM
By: Araward
Status: Feature not possible

When and if Turbine ever makes it possible to add sound to the LUA features, it would be really great to set a sound or tone (perhaps a variety of tones) to alerts.

I've always envied how IMs in LotRO give a tone so you know you got an IM, but any other channels don't allow you to set a tone. There are many times when I want to know about an alert, and even ones I have set using LotRO Alerts on my screen somewhere can be missed. A tone makes that much less likely to happen.

This is particularly useful when you are Alt-Tabbed out of the game for whatever reason and want to be alerted about various things. Did someone just LFF for Dargnakh while I'm checking my E-mail?? They did! I recognize that tone. Sorry E-mail, I gotta go. :)

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By: Garan - 02-29-2012 07:35 PM
There's all sorts of fun things I would like to implement if sound is ever possible - and I'm pretty sure there's lots of other authors hoping we get some sound capability.
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