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problem with windowed mode
Bug #: 65
File: Eclipse UI
Date: 12-14-2011 12:29 AM
By: Tarrnation
Status: Game Bug (Cant fix)
Whenever I enter windowed mode then switch back to fullscreen, the main skillbar does not reset itself to the correct position.

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By: Eclipse - 12-14-2011 05:17 AM
Whenever the skins use custom/compressed main toolbars, this problem shows up.
Unfortunately we can not do anything about it, you have to relog.
By: Tarrnation - 12-14-2011 10:11 AM
How is it a "game bug" when the default UI does not have this problem? This is a problem with Eclipse UI - not the game.
By: Eclipse - 12-14-2011 10:18 AM
Because I don't have an option for a status setting like simply "Can't fix"
By: Tarrnation - 12-14-2011 01:46 PM
Hmm... the JRR ones don't seem to have this problem. Perhaps you can have a chat with the author of that one and figure out what you did wrong.
By: Eclipse - 12-14-2011 04:09 PM
So the longer story:
If we change just the graphics of the toolbar skin, no problem. If we change the code/layout of the toolbar, this issue appears.
JRR's toolbar themes are only graphical modifications, but if you check his "JRR addon: SmallBar" which is a shortened bar like Eclipse UI, you'll get the same issue there as well.
This is a known "game code bug" from Lotro modding day 1, not the fault of the modders' laziness or incompetency.
You don't have to call it a "bug" of course, but "Turbine's improvident and imprecise execution of user interface with its lack of support" is too long.
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