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Viewer Pane limited in size
Bug #: 57
File: LOTRO Skin Editor
Date: 11-23-2011 09:03 PM
By: Modnar
Status: Not a Bug
Maximizing the application window, the Viewer Pane is limited in size to approximately 1024x768. LotRO UI Elements can be dragged to the edge of this area and will be cut off / not displayed. (Exactly like what used to happen to a hard drive or other window when dragged to the left/right edge of older versions of MS Windows (pre-Vista).) On a large monitor that leaves an awful lot of unused space.

It does not appear as though you limited the Viewer Pane to this size for game design purposes, but I could be wrong.

Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit. Using Aero. 1920 x 1080 monitor.

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By: D.H1cks - 11-25-2011 08:23 AM
Ya, wording can be problematic at times. I will think about this for a while and see if I can come up with something quite clear.
By: Modnar - 11-25-2011 01:51 AM
correction: I thought it was a global max size value while editing UI Panels within the Element Navigation.
By: Modnar - 11-25-2011 01:02 AM
Short Version: User error. /sigh

Long Version: I did not pay enough attention to that Option. I thought it was a global max size value while editing UI Elements within the Element Navigation. The correlation to a viewable area/page within a workspace (as seen in photoshop) didn't occur to me. Probably because its not centered, with a border, and thereby suggestive of a page.

While its certainly operating correctly, perhaps more specific verbiage will prevent future confusion? Change it to "Viewer Pane Settings" or add a "Viewer Pane" subsection between Settings and the Background... options?
By: D.H1cks - 11-24-2011 07:24 AM
Does changing the background size in the options not work for you? Go to Tools->Options to change the size.
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