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Split stack window doesn't remember position after exiting game
Bug #: 53
File: Eclipse UI
Date: 11-08-2011 10:16 AM
By: LordJuanlo
Status: Not a Bug
I have found out that when you use shift to split a stack of items, you can move that window and it will remember its position when you split the next stack. However when you exit game it forgets that position.

I have noticed it because I'm playing the game with 3 monitors at 5760x1080 resolution. That window always shows on left monitor. When I move it to the central monitor it will remember this position until I exit the game or log another character. The next time I play the game, this window will go to the left monitor again.

This does not happen with the default lotro skin, that window is always shown on central monitor. I'm not sure if it can be fixed automatically. If it's not possible, could I edit the XML files to center it? Can you tell me what text string should I look for?


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By: LordJuanlo - 12-13-2011 02:08 AM
Thanks, I tried it and it worked perfectly
By: Eclipse - 11-09-2011 05:50 AM
There are some windows aligned absolute center to screen width by default (for example the main menu or the split stack window), and if we inject a code for these windows for any reason, the positions always adopt the new coordinates (and coordinates must be given in this case).

With default skin, if you move the split stack window, it will always jump back to center at relog.
With a newly given code, it will always jump back to the given coordinates at relog.

You can find the split stack window in Eclipse UI's SkinDefinition.xml (each Eclipse theme has its own xml file!):

<PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_StackableField">
<Element ID="StackableField" X="361" Y="245" Width="294" Height="221">
<Element ID="Drag" X="0" Y="0" Width="269" Height="21"> </Element>
<Element ID="Label" X="2" Y="4" Width="266" Height="45"> </Element>
<Element ID="StackCancelButton" X="270" Y="7" Width="16" Height="16"> </Element>
<Element ID="ErrorText" X="6" Y="155" Width="282" Height="40"> </Element>
<Element ID="StackOkButton" X="103" Y="126" Width="89" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Stackable_Amount_Full" X="13" Y="84" Width="80" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Stackable_Amount_Half" X="107" Y="84" Width="80" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Stackable_Amount_Zero" X="201" Y="84" Width="80" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="HowManyText" X="4" Y="53" Width="177" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Stackable_Amount_Decrease" X="200" Y="52" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Stackable_Amount_Increase" X="264" Y="52" Width="20" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="EntryField" X="220" Y="52" Width="44" Height="20">
<Element ID="AmountEntry" X="1" Y="1" Width="42" Height="18"> </Element>
<Element ID="Box_01_Empty_InnerShadow" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1"> </Element>
<Element ID="Box_01_Empty_LeftBorder" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Box_01_Empty_BottomBorder" X="1" Y="19" Width="42" Height="1"> </Element>
<Element ID="Box_01_Empty_RightBorder" X="43" Y="0" Width="1" Height="20"> </Element>
<Element ID="Box_01_Empty_TopBorder" X="1" Y="0" Width="42" Height="1"> </Element>

Either you erase all of these lines and you get your default central alignment back,
or you modify the window's coordinates (ID="StackableField" X="361" Y="245") to adopt the new X,Y position.

Save xml file and restart game to take effect.
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