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Harsh Echoes
Bug #: 117
File: Combat Analysis
Date: 02-11-2015 12:39 PM
By: maurice1707
Status: Unconfirmed
With my minstrel "Harsh Echoes" doesn't count on the german client. It is counting "Harsh Echoes" as a attack but the damage doesn't get add either to DPS. in Avoidance it says 100% Hits and 100% Absorbs.
I tested the english client and everything works fine with it.

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By: gjpc - 03-29-2015 05:05 PM
I can't find "harsh echos"

Echos of battle is translated to
L["EchoesOfBattle"] = "Widerhall des Kampfes";

Is this the exact phrase in the German Client?
By: Ischabux - 04-18-2015 02:41 AM
Should be yes. It was translated wrongly in previous versions to 4.4.2 as "Wiederhall des Kampfes". Notice the extra "e"!. Should be ok now, if anyone could confirm?
By: maurice1707 - 05-24-2015 08:24 AM
Still doesn't work. I'll be uploading some pics to show you the problem.

German Version:

English Version:
By: gjpc - 06-06-2015 07:38 PM
I see what you mean, I also need the translation for "Timeless Echos Of Battle" could you help?
By: gjpc - 06-07-2015 01:19 AM
OK here is the deal. "Harsche Echos" is not "Widerhall des Kampfes"

Echos are a line trait and what you are seeing is a bug in LoTRO LUA where Echo's do not say how much damage they do. The line in the combat log is:

Laning scored a hit with Echoes of Battle on the Dunlending Archer.

The German has the damage but in a very wierd fomat:

Dem Laning gelang ein Treffer mit "Harsche Echos" gegen den Dunländer-Bogenschütze für 190 Punkte Schaden auf Moral.

Note that the damge comes AFTER the target, that is going to be fancy parsing, so I'll keep your bug on the list for when the english version yields the amount of echos damage.

By: Ischabux - 07-07-2015 11:31 AM
It seems that the difference between a "normal" skill like "Ruf von Orome" and "Harsche Echos" is that the combat log tells us the damage trype for the normal skill while with "Harsche Echos" it does not. Maybe it does not have a damage type. And maybe this does affekt other skills too without damage type?! Here are two samples

Dem Kudo gelang ein Treffer mit "Ruf von Oromë" gegen Skrupelloser Krieger für 2,487 Punkte Schaden des Typs "Licht" auf Moral.
Dem Kudo gelang ein Treffer mit "Harsche Echos" gegen Skrupelloser Krieger für 267 Punkte Schaden auf Moral.
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