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B.G.M will be updated after the Nov or Dec patch.
By: Brygard2007 - 11-22-2010 02:05 AM
Just to let yall guys know,I be updateing the B.G.M 4 after we get the Nov or Dec patch depends when Turbine release it.

I just took a peek look at public test Bulroarer server and see whats will be broken for my skin.

Vault will be broken they added some more new feature's and skins that we don't have yet.


Just remember this features can be changed or don't make it in the final patch.

I like that you can now eXpand the vault in all ways instead just make the list longer same goes for shared vault but not the cosmetics vault.

Crafting has changed as well.

There a new tab for deed reputation which I have to add the new code and re adjust it.

There more that I haven't seen that will need to be skinned or removed.

This all for now and have a good Lotro day.

Thanks for the votes and making my Ui as your favorite and thanks for the kind comments.

I'm sorry that I take long to update my UI and thanks for the patience with me.

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