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Red UI has been released day ago and some info on the Blue UI.
By: Brygard2007 - 10-19-2010 07:25 AM
The Red UI has been release like a day ago or 2 for those that missed the news.

Yesterday(Monday October 18)I got busy with work and then needed to go to my sister's house to secure her wireless network with encryption keys so no else in the neighborhood could use her internet access.

My niece gave me some free samples of Biofreeze for my back and neck pain which I'm about to try out while working on the Blue UI.

So I just got home at 3 am and eat some food and stuff.

At 7am Tuesday 19 I just started to work on the Blue UI.

Right now I'm about to re skin the deed tabs.

So far no one has reported any problems with the Red UI,I waited for any response so that means the Blue UI won't have problems since I'm using the base of the Red skin to work with.

Alright that's all for news for now except that I might be able to release the Blue UI sometime late mid morning on Wednesday around 3 am or so.

I better stop typing I'm getting sleepy already,later......

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