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German translation for deeds and traits Nov 5 2011.
By: Brygard2007 - 11-05-2011 03:55 AM
Thanks to Evereus,I have the translation for the deed and virtue page:

"English title" - "German title"

1. Charity - Barmherzigkeit
2. Compassion - Mitgefühl
3. Confidence - Selbstvertrauen
4. Determin - Entschlossenheit
5. Discipline - Disziplin
6. Empathy - Einfühlungsvermögen
7. Fidelity - Treue
8. Fortitude - Standhaftigkeit
9. Honesty - Aufrichtigkeit
10. Honour - Ehre
11. Idealism - Idealismus
12. Justice - Gerechtigkeit
13. Loyalty - Loyalität
14. Mercy - Gnade
15. Patience - Geduld
16. Innocence - Unschuld
17. Tolerance - Toleranz
18. Valour - Tapferkeit
19. Wisdom - Weisheit
20. Zeal - Eifer
Wow this names are really long,I will see what I can do with it,most likely I will have to cut the names in half to fit.

Still big thanks to Evereus for his help on this.

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