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Some longer delay on working my UI:Feb 18 2011.
By: Brygard2007 - 02-18-2011 03:53 PM
Yesterday I did something to my computer in accident which I can't find a way to correct my mistake.

I don't use windows restore point cause most the time they don't work.

The problem I'm having is that I can't for some reason uninstalled some programs I keep getting error's ever since i installed a beta version of Paint.net program.

Now it might not have been that paint program that's causing problems.

Anyways it's been a maybe 6 months I haven't reinstall my OS.

So it's about time I do it anyways and seeing how on Feb 22 Microsoft is releasing the Service Pack 1 for Win 7.

So that's what I'll be doing this Friday and Saturday,reinstalling my OS.

Currently I'm backing up some files and my steam game's to external hard drive and such.

Anyways as I stated I like to reinstall my OS every 6 month's time,the reason I do it cause I use free program that I mostly use are video compressors and codecs which when you un installed them can some time break your system registry.

I used to be bad installing tons of free un necessary programs in the past that contain adware's but not anymore.

The following programs I have used and recommend that I know of that don't mess up your system are:
Ccleaner from Piriform
Defragger from Piriform
Microsft Essential security suite
Freemake video convertor and compressor
Handbrake a video compressor kinds what virtual dub does in sense of compression video's or Freemake but better for youtube upload.
Zone alarm free version
Skype-started to use.
Windows live movie maker when I need it for windows 7.
Mydefrag when I need it mostly run it every 2 weeks for a full defrag mostly on my games and I use the defragger every day for fast defrag on my C drive.
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Stuff you shouldn't use even if there from big companies(my opinion).
Any type of toolbar addon for your browser like yahoo toolbar google toolbar and such.
Those addon bar are like adware despite what the company says they aren't but they are in truth plus you get performance hit.
This my own experience.
Since windows vista I don't use desktop theme due to performance hit and clutter.

The only type of tweak I use for windows 7 is a program that makes your default theme more transparent windows.

It's called FFT:Full Frame Transparency enabler.

I also use Ultimate Windows Tweaker.

Well this all the news for this week and I hope I be back soon.

I was going to say what other part of my mods I was going to work on next but decided not to cause seeing how now Turbine is changing some of their Ui skin panels.

I'm hoping to work on the B.D.R.X instead since so far that still work on Bullroarer for now and seems to be more popular then my toolbar hud.

Who knows what Turbine plans but I am happy that they made the character panel area of your avatar abit larger.

Maybe Turbine might hear my suggestion in the past to make the dressing room expandable in all directions kinda how there doing some of their panel's.

In my opinion they should seriously consider it since most of their revenue come's from cosmetic purchase(my theory not a fact) and popular by all mostly women I guess.

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