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German deed tabs for the Red Ui has been uploaded:
By: Brygard2007 - 02-08-2011 08:06 AM

German Deed Tabs
For Red UI
B.G.M V-4.3 Up
Feb 08 2011

This patch will replace 19 deed tab location translated to German.
================================================== ================

How to install:

Drop the folder in this zip pack called "quest book" to the main
UI folder.(Inside of the folder black glass mix red v4 3 or up version)

Press yes to everything to overwrite the English folder and files to German.

There are 114 files that needs to be overwritten.

Thanks! :-)
and with that I need some sleep.

I'll work on the rest either later tonite or tomorrow Wednesday.

I done the hard work all day yesterday till today,so the rest of the color will be hassle free.

The only reason took me so long is I been searching the internet for the specific names for the locations.

Some names wouldn't show up in google searches so I tried the translator and then research the names again till I hit the correct names.

I don't speak German or read,the only launguage I'm familiar are Engrish and spaņol.(pun intended)

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