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SequenceBars » Special Slots » Options » Target


This option specifies which player or NPC you want to select with a Select target slot.

Possible values:
  • Assistee (1-4)
    Clicking the slot will target one of the players (1-4) in the Assist Window of the raid/fellowship.

  • Assistee (1-4) Target
    Clicking the slot will target the current target of the indicated "assistee" (see above).

  • Current target's target
    Clicking the slot will target the player/NPC that your current target is targeting.

  • Current target (no change)
    Does nothing.

  • Next assistee
    Clicking the slot will target the next player in the Assist Window of the raid/fellowship. Consecutive clicks of this slot will cycle through all of the assistees.

  • Next assistee's target
    Clicking the slot will target the current target of the "next assistee" (see above).

  • Next raid member
    Clicking the slot will target the next fellowship/raid member. Consecutive clicks of this slot will cycle through all of the members.

  • Pet
    Clicking the slot will target your character's pet.

  • Raid leader
    Clicking the slot will target the leader of your fellowship/raid.

  • Raid member (by name)
    Argument: Player name
    Clicking the slot will target the specified member of your raid/fellowship.

  • Saved target
    Argument: Saved target number
    Clicking the slot will target a player/pet that you previously saved with a Save target slot.

  • Self
    Clicking the slot will target your character.

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