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SequenceBars » Special Slots » Options » Appearance


This section allows you to specify the appearance (icon and text overlay) of a slot.

The individual settings are:
  • Text overlay:
    Specifies a few words to be superimposed over the icon (in tiny letters).

  • Icon:
    Specifies which icon should be shown for the slot.

    • Default:
      The default icon will be used.

    • Blank icon:
      Various icons that look like a blank square with a border. These work well with the "Text overlay" feature.

    • Skill icon:
      The icons associated with your character's skills.

    • Specific:
      Any icon or image. To use the game's built-in images, you may specify the asset ID here. (Asset IDs may be determined with Image Resource Viewer or AssetBrowser.) Alternatively, you may use your own image (a .JPG or .TGA file). Place the file in your Plugins folder, and then specify the filename here; example: Plugins/Thurallor/SequenceBars/Images/clock.tga

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