1• You agree to this agreement by downloading and using any and all files and intellectual property included in this package.
2• You agree to NOT discredit the author of any or all of his original material included be it code, graphics, any other assets or intellectual property.
3• You agree to NOT hold the author responsible for any damage, data loss or any problems caused directly or indirectly by this package.
4• You agree to NOT use any material included for monetary gain, as it is against Turbine's EULA agreement and it is NOT your right to make money off of other author's work. Any kind of commercial use is stricktly forbidden.
5• You may redistribute any and all files contained in this package ONLY if they remain unmodified, this user agreement is included and proper credit to the author is given.
6• You may modify and redistribute any and all files contained in this compilation ONLY with the expressed written permission of the author.
7• If you do not agree to any of the points above then delete any and all files included in this package as well as past and future versions, by doing this you are agreeing to NOT use, modify and redistribute any and all material that is a part of this package for any purpose.
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