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Well Met!

By: Dretchen - 05-17-2007 12:07 PM
Dretchen's Avatar Just a short note for now about graphics and skinning.

I never keep or have kept track of any graphics / skins I have done over the years.
Most of the time, I never put a name to claim on them.
It is more of a hobby to me than anything else.
Just something I enjoy doing.

I do however, keep track of what I am doing at the time.
Like, I try to keep file sizes down to the lowest possible without degrading / distorting the graphic, allowing faster draw to the screen and in other cases, faster downloads.

I have plans for the Hope skin, I am just waiting to see / hear if the vitals/portrait are going to be skinnable.
I have the update ready to go, with just having to add the xml when the time comes.

Umm, no, not going to reveal what I have planned, just yet


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