Originally Posted by Hyoss
It is related because the /loc command was made available way before plugins existed. And it had the purpose of being able to share your character's location with CS and with other players.
We just happen to use it in plugins as well to get the same info in the most straightforward manner available.
I guess my original comment was poorly worded as i assumed it is clear from how it was worded and the context of the discussion - which was about detecting the server from plugin. It was asked for, and they added the servername to the /loc command. So :
In all honesty, i do not see how is this change beneficial - as it still requires user input to trigger the /loc command.
You will either bother user every time you need to know the server to click a button, or just save it into .plugindata - what you can already do now.
Sorry for my second sarcastic comment, I understand how Customer Support is related to /loc command, but that seemed a little bit out of topic here.