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Unread 08-31-2024, 03:12 PM
Greyloop Greyloop is offline
The Wary
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UI Hide/Show question

Hi LOTRO community,

I have been playing LOTRO since the beginning. These days, I play on a 65" OLED TV using an Nvidia 4060 RTX video card and currently use specific image scaling and RTX features.

I know Turbine is working on some UI scaling items and 64-bit server stuff, but I am not aware if they plan on UI quality-of-life improvements.

In the meantime, I have been looking for plugins to improve the UI on a TV.

For example, is there a way to show/hide certain UI elements when using the keybind to hide the UI in the game?

I ask because one plugin I use will show regardless of hiding the in-game UI, and two other plugins will randomly show when hiding the in-game UI.

Is this something I can modify within the plugin/file?

I have other questions, but I will start there and see if anyone is interested in chatting with me.

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Unread 08-31-2024, 06:11 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
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Plugins have limited ability to hide/show to built-in UI elements - they can hide/show the inventory bags, party display, plugin manager, target display, and player vitals display.

As to plugins hiding/showing themselves with the UI, the answer to that is a bit tricky. There is no way to programmatically detect the current UI state (displayed/hidden) so plugins rely on detecting the Hide/Show UI actions and the Esc/Cancel action - plugins aren't allowed to detect actual key strokes, only action codes which can be triggered in a number of ways. So, most authors default to the assumption that the HUD is visible when the plugin is initially loaded (which is true if the plugin is set to autoload on login in the plugin manager) and then hiding with the Hide UI action or Esc key and showing with the Show UI action/plugin command. If any of these events occur oddly, such as using a command to display the plugin while the HUD is hidden, the plugin will get out of sync and display oddly until it is unloaded and reloaded. If you are seeing other behavior with a specific plugin, you need to post that as a question for the plugin author, typically in the download page for the plugin here at lotrointerface.com. I would not recommend altering plugin files directly yourself unless the plugin is no longer being updated or the author directs you to since any changes you make will get overridden by any updates in the future. It is preferable to get the plugin author to fix the plugin or let you know why you are seeing the behavior you are.
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