Thread: Riding Skill
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Unread 09-14-2022, 12:13 PM
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JohnMHammer JohnMHammer is offline
The Indomitable
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Originally Posted by Tardragozon
Does that mean that if I have the riding ability journeyman or apprentice that I can ride with all characters without buying the riding ability in the shop.
If so, where can I get them
You need to get it from somewhere, and if you didn't get it as part of some expansion or other package you purchased with real-world money, you need to buy it with LOTRO Points in the in-game store.

If you go to the in-game store, you will see the following things:
1- 95LP: Riding Skill. The basic riding trait. This is for one character only. All your mounts will be at their base speed (usually +62% but some are slower than that).
2- 1995LP: Apprentice Riding Trait Package. This applies to all the characters on your account, present and future. All your mounts will +68% speed (or faster if that specific mount's base speed is faster than +68%).
3- 2995LP: Journeyman Riding Trait Package. This applies to all the characters on your account, present and future. All your mounts will be +78% speed (or faster if that specific mount's base speed is faster than +78% – I don't think there are any faster than +78% at the time I am writing this).
4- VariousLP: There are a number of different "riding bundles" which include the basic riding trait and a mount. Unless you really, really, REALLY want that specific mount because it's just too pretty, these are generally not the best choice for something on which to spend your LOTRO Points. There are a huge number of different mounts available in the game, most can be obtained with game gold, earning reputation with a faction, or by participating in a seasonal festival event.
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