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Unread 03-19-2011, 12:03 PM
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FireSong FireSong is offline
The Wary
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Arizona
Posts: 3
I have not been able to find a way to change the vitals text information for members of your fellowship or raid even in a skin... the elements just don't seem to exist in the panelfile definition to be manipulated. I've documented everything I know about vitals below...

In the LOTRO UI there are 3 vitals settings I can find:

- Under UI Settings/Floating Information (at the bottom) - Selection vital display - When checked, shows the vitals health and power bars floating above the players head with no text no matter what the setting below is.

- Under UI Settings/Panels - Vital bar text display - Displays Current/Max, Percentage, or None. This appears to be a global setting that applies to everything.

- Under Combat Options - When checked, shows the vitals of your selection's target. So if you have a member of your party selected, you see the vitals for the target they are attacking. If you have a mob selected, you see the vitals for the target the mob is attacking.

From what I can find, in a skin you can control the vitals text for the following:

- Yourself - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_AvatarPanel"

- Whomever you have selected (Another player, mob or NPC) - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_OpponentPanel"

- Whomever you have selected has selected - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_SelectionTarget"

- Pets (loremaster or captain pets) - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_PetManagerBox"

- Mount - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_MountDisplayBox"

- Whomever you are trying to escort/protect - PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_GamePlay_EscortManagerBox"

For those above, I think if you change the Height to 0, then the text would effectively disappear:

<Element ID="VitalCurrentHealthText" X="0" Y="-2" Width="99" Height="10"> </Element>

The panelfiles which look like they should control fellowship information include the following, but there is no element (in the moria skin dictionary file I'm using) to control the VitalCurrentHealthText.

PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_FellowMiniPanel_1"
PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_FellowMiniPanel_2"
PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_FellowMiniPanel_3"
PanelFile ID="ID_UISkin_FellowMiniPanel_4"

Hope this helped in some small way.

~ FireSong
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