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Unread 10-19-2023, 07:00 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 344
Originally Posted by gjpc
Thanks Garan! Any chance that you can briefly described how you got those HEX codes? I would like to learn how to fish.
I use a plugin that I wrote, itemExplorer, to scan all of the possible item and skill IDs starting at 0x70000000. To scan an ID, just use pcall to try setting the data of a shortcut with type=skill (or type=item) to each ID and see if it creates a valid shortcut. If it does, add it to the list of known skills (or items) and repeat. I do the scan in an update event handler so that I can scan a set number, iirc I use 1000, on each call to the update without locking up the client. I also refresh the display with the last skill actually found and the last id checked so that I will be able to tell when it is just rapidly passing through ids without finding any valid skills. The primary purpose was to scan item IDs so that I can know what all of the valid items are but scanning skills became a useful feature. It's actually very similar to the concept used for IRV to scan for images, it just tracks a lot less info about the items/skills it finds.

I'm pretty sure someone else published something similar a while back. I'm not sure if it does items and skills or just one or the other, but the process is nearly identical, there's just a bit more info available from the item shortcuts if it creates a valid shortcut.
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