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Unread 01-09-2016, 05:34 PM
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Garan Garan is offline
The Undying
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 344
PatchDataSave is part of the Vindar patch for international characters. Turbine does not properly support international characters so Lua authors have to first encode the values before saving and then decode them when loading. PatchDataSave and PatchDataLoad are wrapper functions that provide the encoding/decoding and then call the built in functions. Since this is a user resolution to a flaw in the system, it has to be defined in each user project - I have a file I put all the Vindar (Vindar was the user name of the original author of the patch) code into called "VindarPatch.lua" which is included in all of my plugins. This is actually covered in the Noobs thread in the "How Vindar Saved the World" post.
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