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Mystkldrgn 04-09-2010 03:33 PM

Wanting to Stack all Five Bars
Hellooo - been perusing the UI-Skins for LOTR but I can't seem to find (or the screenies don't let me know for sure) specifically what I'm looking for.

So I'm hoping someone here can direct me to one that does (assuming any of them do!).

I'm looking to be able to stack ALL the ui bars on top of each other in a minimalistic-ui Skin setup.

I know I can do this in game with the default UI but I hate the size of the default UI toolbar.

I've tried several skins here that apperaed to maybe be able to do what I wanted, but in the end when I tried to fit all the bars into their background-skin it either ended up with bars going over the skin lines/buttons (making one or the other unclickable), or the background-skin had to be sized so large as to take up like half the screen with tons of blank unused space (but no way to make the skin fit right).

So is this available anywhere here? An ability to stack all the bars on top of each other, with toolbar abilities kept small - without having tons of unwasted space (or overlapping space) on a skin that doesn't fit?

Thanks for any help!

Deewe 04-09-2010 05:12 PM

If you are talking about the quick slot bars it's pretty easy with my Yessh UI: here

...as I removed mostly everything around the quick slots.

You can check the pics to see if it matches your needs.

Mystkldrgn 04-10-2010 11:05 PM

Yes, the quick slot bars! :)

And joy! Yes thats' what I needed. I just wasn't sure if it went to five stacks since you're screenies stop at two (and when I tried others that did the same with their screenies it actually didn't work at all..)

If you'rs stacks to five and looks like it does at two in the screenies - its perfect - thank you!

Deewe 04-11-2010 05:36 PM

To stack five you'll need to move the auto attack indicator up a bit.

Just use the XLS file included it will help you generate the appropriate settings

Mystkldrgn 04-12-2010 11:10 PM

Yup! done and done! I actaully just moved it left, cuz I don't use it and I like other stuff center.

Only issue actaully I'm having is that everytime I encounter a loading screen - the portrait in my unitframe (my own portrait) gets smaller and smaller and smaller until it goes poof! (though it manages it get really really tiny first heh)

Not sure what's going on there.

Also I dont know how to turn on the different portrait options I see in your screenies (the ones where the bars are on either side of one potrait, etc.). Some of those seem like they would save space and I love that!

Otherwise its doing exactly what I wanted to so thank you :).

Deewe 04-16-2010 06:32 PM

If you don't use the attack indicator the easiest way is tio hide it completely

Edit the skin definition file to replace the both entries with the below code

  <Element ID="AutoAttackIndicatorButton" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />
  <Element ID="ViolentModeIndicator" X="0" Y="0" Width="1" Height="1" />

For the portrait UI, I had the same issue but only when I used the resize vitals options. At default size it works fine.

For the vitals I just overlapped the vitals putting the character one on the right and the opponent on the left. that's my favorite setting and I put the eye in the middle.

As you my have guessed the others vitals (orange and so) are used to differentiate the mobs.

If you have the time please post a pic of your UI, it's always very interesting for an author to see how other's use our work. It might lead to some interesting changes!

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