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razer0000 12-02-2007 05:43 AM

I have tried to download a few newly updated UI's and they are all infected with the same virii. It seems someone has just packaged the original .zips and turned them into infected .exe's. This needs to be addressed ASAP and everyone that has downloaded them needs to know! This is horrible!

Brygard2007 12-02-2007 06:46 AM

UI that are infected is in the complete sets UI section from Jappme to K'ramel so far 12 Ui are infeccted with Winrar.exe it has a hidden program ie.exe 13kb.
Scan the files before you unrar the file at.


Who ever is doing this is POS infecting the UI.So far the Compilations sections are not infected.

razer0000 12-02-2007 06:59 AM


Is another good site to use. This really needs to be addressed, and I wonder how many people are infected and don't even know.

Aalwein 12-02-2007 07:51 AM

I just downloaded K'Ramel Metal 2.00 and there was no infected files, nor any sort of .exe files at all.

You guys might be infected from another source. Have you downloaded anything from any other sites that are giving you virus alerts?

razer0000 12-02-2007 07:57 AM

A lot of them have been fixed, thanks. However I would like to know what happened and how long these infected .exe's were on here. Kind of discouraging knowing this kind of thing can happen so easily, and I am afraid for the computer illiterate that don't know any better that use this site.

Aalwein, the infected files were/are repacked zipped files with only the one file name as an .exe, no other files.

Cairenn 12-02-2007 01:35 PM

We're looking into it guys. As soon as we have something definitive to give you, we'll let you know.

In future, though, please don't just post a thread. Send us an email via the contact us or report options. That'll help make sure we are aware of a problem as quickly as possible, so we can get it dealt with.

Brygard2007 12-02-2007 02:11 PM

This thread had vanished for awhile and now its back along all the post of Razer0000.Im a noob about how to contact the admins.I was looking for a link couldnt find it so I just replied to Razer0000 posts.The files were infected when I checked around 4am CT. And were cleaned around 7am CT or so.

Cairenn 12-02-2007 02:28 PM

Aye, we know, that's part of what we're looking into (how the thread disappeared). I wasn't faulting you for posting the thread, don't get me wrong at all. It helped alert us to the fact that there was a problem. Just saying that an email or PM helps make sure we're aware of any problems as quickly as possible. There's a little "contact us" link at the bottom of every page, for future reference. :)

razer0001 12-02-2007 03:04 PM

Well I have been watching football all day after this happened so I am unsure as to what happened this afternoon with my account and my posts. As you can see I had to make a new account to respond.

Cairenn, I was unaware of the best possible route to take to notify the website as I am just one of many troll/leechers that don't bother to post but like play with the different UI's skins:)
At the time I was just very very upset(to say the least) that this was able to happen. I really hope no one was infected and these files were not up long enough to do much harm.

Though I am curious as to why my account was deleted and all my subsequent posts. This makes me think these forums aren't safe either, or you possibly didn't want the public to know what had happened. I hope there is a better answer, but I guess we will never know.

Cairenn 12-02-2007 03:11 PM

Of course you were upset and rightfully so. We're upset about it too.

However, that's completely unfair of you to suggest that we deleted the posts or your account. The post was restored (obviously, since we're posting in it right now) as soon as we found out that there was a problem and I just looked and your account is still there and active, as well. If we "didn't want the public to know what had happened", would this thread be here right now? That was unfair and undeserved. We don't play that way. I was asleep when all of this went down. I woke up, saw the other thread by Brygard2007, went "huh?" (as you can see in that thread itself) and we moved on from there.

As I said above, we're looking into it and as soon as we know what happened and how, you guys will know.

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