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Elentir 07-25-2011 06:04 AM

Plugin Modules
First of all I would like to thank you for all the nice plugins that are already here. Sometimes it's hard to decide which ones to use, cause some have the same functionality then others, but use a different approach. On other occasions I don't like specific plugins because they use their own interface and don't blend in with my interface.

Ok, now let's talk about something else. Like I mentioned before, some plugins have the same functionality. This is the case for most quickslot plugins. They also have many pre-defined quickslot bars. Also are there smaller plugins that provide quickslots for a single purpose, like "Travel" and the different Mount plugins. I realy like Travel, and I will use this as the example to illustrate my question.

With Travel you van choose how to display your travel destinations. I use the caroussel for this. In the options you can choose which destinations to display. Would it be possible to add this functionality/plugin as a module into another plugin? For example, I create a Kragenslot for travel destinations and whitin the options I can can modify the things from the Travel plugin whitout the need of dragging each skill individualy to the quickslots.

Equendil 07-25-2011 03:05 PM

That sort of modularity and reusability would have to be planned and designed well ahead of actually implementing plugins, whereas plugins are made by different people each with their own way of doing things, without any master plan.

It would also take a fairly comprehensive framework to generically achieve some degree of modularity between plugins (as opposed to plugin X being made to use features of plugin Y), and more effort to write individual plugins.

If you asked me whether that's worth the hassle, you'd get a resounding *no*.

So anyway, there's essentially no modularity between plugins, and I don't see that changing in the future.

Digital_Utopia 07-27-2011 03:32 PM

You're more likely to find someone making a plugin that provides features of both, than having an author provide additional functionality to someone else's plugin.

The closest we've come to this at this point, is a collection of libraries that seek to make it easier for authors to include various UI features (i.e. they can just use that, instead of having to write it from scratch)

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