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Harrr53 11-08-2016 05:28 AM

DPS / Healing meters?
I am a total noob to plugins so forgive me if I am asking about something obvious.

I always assumed that Raid Assistant or similar plugins had meters on screen that showed how much threat/damage/healing each member of the group was doing, so say, at the end of a boss fight you could see how the group had performed.

Looking at the features of Raid Assistant, it doesn't seem that is part of it. So is my assumption completely wrong or am I just looking at the wrong plugin?

Hyoss 11-08-2016 05:29 PM

What you are looking for is CombatAnalysis.

However functionality of that plugin in LOTRO is not as wide as you might expect if you used such tools in other games; it can track your characters Damage Done, DPS, Healing Done, Healing Received, and events like stuns/mezzes etc; but it cannot track Threat, will have trouble tracking damage absorb shields you put on other players. Also what can be tracked can be tracked for your character only, not other group members.

Maurycy 02-16-2018 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by Hyoss (Post 11877)
What you are looking for is CombatAnalysis.

However functionality of that plugin in LOTRO is not as wide as you might expect if you used such tools in other games; it can track your characters Damage Done, DPS, Healing Done, Healing Received, and events like stuns/mezzes etc; but it cannot track Threat, will have trouble tracking damage absorb shields you put on other players. Also what can be tracked can be tracked for your character only, not other group members.

The threat is immeasurable in LOTRO
all data in combat analysis is from combat chat, and there is no threat level

Hyoss 02-18-2018 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Maurycy (Post 12079)
The threat is immeasurable in LOTRO
all data in combat analysis is from combat chat, and there is no threat level

In case that was not clear, I am perfectly aware of that, I was only listing what is visible in combat analysis compared to addons in other games.

Also, you are not entirely correct. WoW had threat not exposed via API in the beginning, and threat addons would calculate threat of players based on the combat log only, calculating actual threat based on skills used, damage done, healing done etc. That could be done for LOTRO, but would be extremely hard and unrewarding to try and work out threat based on what you can see in combat log only. Not unmeasureable, just not feasible to work out the numbers.

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