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Cairenn 12-10-2007 06:29 PM

Client Side UI Layout Settings
They're coming!

It gets brought up over and over and over again, asking why they are currently stored server side and if we can ever get them client side instead. Thanks Frosty for the following explanation.


Originally Posted by Frosty
The reason they're stored server side was so that you could play on any computer anywhere and automatically have the same setup and layout. Granted, this worked great when the original system was written for AC1 and people generally played on the same (types of) machines all the time. Now that we all have laptops, desktops, our work PCs (I *know* you have it installed there!), giant 52" plasma tvs, etc, the system doesn't hold up as well.

Aside from the history lesson, I think I can say (without getting into trouble) that this is something that we are looking into and (surprise!) actually have a plan for implementing. I can't go into full details (the whole job security thing) but the changes will allow you to save (per character and resolution) your UI layout. Then, you can import those settings to another character. Or something like that.

And I won't speculate when these changes will be going in, so don't ask!

So, we don't have a time frame yet but at least we know that they are coming at some point in the future. Thanks for continuing to go to bat for us on this Frosty, it's really appreciated. :)

From this post.

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