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-   -   Wanted: A drow Style Interface (https://www.lotrointerface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=765)

Spartan 07-04-2009 06:06 PM

Wanted: A Drow Style Interface

First and foremost I want to thank the creators of this site for developing the community. I have often wanted to change the the UI for LotRO but simply lack the knowledge and time to do so with any professional acumen. Consequently I decided to search around and see if anyone else had similar ideas hence my discovery of this community.

In short I want to make a dark highly stylized drow themed interface but as I said I lack the skill and time. Additionally I have not seen any themes here that call to me to any degree hence this post. I do have some money however and am willing to pay someone with the right skills to make what I want done.

Currently I have two ideas. The first is very simple, use the original assets and get rid of the all the gray and make it red or yellow with black shadows. A perfect example of what i have in mind is the following DA:o logo:

The second and more original way would be to develop a complete new UI that is very elegant, captivating and yet eerie (think raw elvish/celtic orientation with oblong shapes, angles and stereotypical insect type of iconography* with a brutal naked power feel) which I think would entail a lot of effort - especially for none artistic types like myself.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in getting such a project started please let me know.

*Some classic examples:

Brygard2007 07-06-2009 03:08 AM

The only people that I can think of that are or seems very professional artist are
Ledmirage,Wickedmouse and Supermax that can probably make what your looking for based on their complex skin designs.

Based on what I read here and there,Ledmirage has lots years in graphic designs with photoshop.

Spartan 07-06-2009 07:23 AM

Thanks for the response. I hope see the thread and chose to respond. Additionally I want it done at 2560 x 1600 resolution native to match my monitor.

On a side note... To be more clear, color wise, I think a deep purple and rustic gold (see female's outfit) color scheme is the way to go.

Icon style wise, something like the following would be real nice:

Simple tribal style:

Artsy Complex:

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