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Olenn 09-12-2010 11:31 PM

Most important addon...maybe
So I have been thinking a lot about plugins for LoTRO and it brings me back to what bothers me most about addons in WoW.

I think that there is a desperate need for a "profile handler" plugin. This would basically be middleware (similar to databroker) so that all plugins could save their profiles in the same mannor. They should all save to one profile. It would be wonderful if you were on another toon or server and you bring up your profile handler panel and load all of your addon profiles with one click of a button.

Just a though....

PS - Please please give me some type of bar plugin like fubar or titan panel....instead of making it a closed system like those though it would probably be good to make it similar to data broker.

Thanks for all of your hard work!!!!

MrJackdaw 09-13-2010 12:21 AM

There is a "One Bag" style addon in the Turbine sample at http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...Lua-UI-scripts

Currently there would be nothing for the bar to display as the API is so small - something like that will come much, much later I'm afraid...

Olenn 09-13-2010 08:22 AM

there is no access for gold , coordinants, or friends online? Well, what we have is a start I guess.

MrJackdaw 09-13-2010 11:55 AM

It is exactly that - I too am dying for a plugin to show the number of friends and kinmates online; I really miss that from wow.

Olenn 09-14-2010 08:14 PM

So, technically speaking, a bar mod would be possible right now, there just wouldn't be anything to put on it? It would seem that someone would want to lay the ground work down and as the devs release more of the API that things could be added to it.

My main question though is about the "profile handler" addon...is something like this even possible. I know form WoW that profiles are a mess...some addons have them and some don't, but there is no addon that has a standard meathod for saving profile information so that an addon could control the profiles. I am sure that we have all had to experience completey resetting up a UI from scratch because of a reinstallation. It would be great if you could just drop a file into a folder and then install your addons and just select your profile and all of your addons would reset themselves up.

Just a thought.

grezgorz 09-15-2010 04:57 PM

I agree. Even though this may not seem like the most important thing right now, in the long run it will be so much better to start early with creating a system for add-on management. I would suggest that maybe turbine could devlop the framework (profiles, and in-game add-on management menu) in-house, but that is probably not likely to happen any time soon :/

MrJackdaw 09-16-2010 12:19 AM

*Third start - finding this hard to put into words*

Loading setting in a plugin is handled slightly differently by every author, depending on how they want to handle the data. We can save data per character, per server or per account. This would mean that profiles *are* possible - but would have to be handled on a per-plugin basis. Global profiles that include several plugins? That would have to involve cooperation between all the plugin authors.

Olenn 09-22-2010 09:47 PM

Exactly, I am talking about a form of standard, similar to the way databroker plugins work. So that some for of library is created so that when an author creates an addon he would simply build his addon with the concept that it would use this library for handleing his profile information.

I understand that authors would have to work together for this. It has happened many times in WoW (ACE library and libDataBroker come to mind).

My thought is that if this gets built this early in the game and done well that authors of new addons would embrace the lib.

Sorry for my naivety as I have said before I am not a dev, just a dwarf with some ideas...but I really appreciate the dev insight that you provide.

NuclearTonic 09-22-2010 10:09 PM

I keep meaning to start a group like this, but many things are standing in my way. Work, which is WAY crazyier than normal, and it's normally crazy. Family and kids, 3 kids under three... it's hard! And lastly, my existing plugin. Been working like crazy to get new features out... because, I want to use them on my own characters!

Once a few of these settle down, I'm hoping to do exactly that. Start up a developer group to focus on UI items that Turbine doesn't support, a higher level API bascially that we (and others) can leverage as we move forward... but time is limited and I have to focus on what I have going at the moment... otherwise I can't put the proper time in on it.


Digital_Utopia 09-22-2010 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by NuclearTonic (Post 4812)
I keep meaning to start a group like this, but many things are standing in my way. Work, which is WAY crazyier than normal, and it's normally crazy. Family and kids, 3 kids under three... it's hard! And lastly, my existing plugin. Been working like crazy to get new features out... because, I want to use them on my own characters!

Once a few of these settle down, I'm hoping to do exactly that. Start up a developer group to focus on UI items that Turbine doesn't support, a higher level API bascially that we (and others) can leverage as we move forward... but time is limited and I have to focus on what I have going at the moment... otherwise I can't put the proper time in on it.


Well, one thing I was playing around with at one time was the idea of a drawing API. Y'know...simple shapes, curves etc. Unfortunately, the only thing that can be used for a pixel is a Window/Control - and that puts out way too much overhead in order to be effective.

For instance, when working on a LotRO style color picker, my first attempt was to just "create" the gradient using 1px windows - it worked, but the client literally hung until it was done. That's when I just decided to use a backgroundImage lol

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