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woffen 09-30-2011 07:51 AM

Cooks Companion
Something Im missing is an easy way to see what ingredients I need for my cooks recipies, while on my farmer instead of having to calculate/write down/whatnot every time I want to make something.

What would be nice, would be a plugin that lets you select the kind of food you want, including tooltips, and it gives you the number of total ingredients you need, including components such as pie crusts.

So lets say you select Hearty onion soup. Then you select the quantity you want to make. It them gives you the total number of ingredients needed.

5 x Hearty Onion Soup:
5 yellow onions
5 taters
5 green onions (for bowl of hearty stock)
5 bottles of water (for bowl of hearty stock)
5 lamb kidneys (for bowl of hearty stock)

You can then add the ingredients to a shopping list, and continue adding more recipies if you wish, giving you a total of all ingredients needed, either to use on your farmer to see what you need to make, on your cook to easily tell a farmer friend what you need or well, to help yourself on your farmer/cook instead of having to check each time what you need, possibly having to relog more than neccesary.

The same could probably be done for other crafts as well, but its for farmers/cooks Im more interested in.

4everblue 09-30-2011 01:53 PM

the tool at this site almost does what you want (you can only show one recipe at a time)

4everblue 09-30-2011 01:54 PM

oops, help if i posted the link


Kalex 09-30-2011 01:58 PM

I would love something like this.

http://lcc.navsplace.net/ does something like this already. we just would need some way to access this in game.

woffen 09-30-2011 02:38 PM

Thanks! The site is certainly a good start!

However as Garan so kindly informed me in my post on the official forums, to make a plugin such as this, one would need to make a database, since we cant access the recipy information directly (components etc) and such a database would have to be updated manually (since the information from the lorebook might be outdated from time to time). It would take some work for whomever would take on a project such as this.

SanDBoX 09-30-2011 05:40 PM

Someone could make an extention to compendium they already have a complete data base built. The next version of crafters will have a very basic (very manual) calculator included but I have no idea how long till it will be out.

lunarwtr 09-30-2011 08:00 PM

Compendium has the ingredients for most crafted recipes under the Crafting tab (taken from lorebook).

For simple recipes it would work, it just needs calculator piece added in. Recipes that compound on other craft-able items, changes would need to be made to the database to improve performance on calculating shopping lists. The database would need a small change to ingredients list data, to flag whether it is also also a crafted item. Then a person could build a full list of all lowest level ingrediants, and start calculating the # of each to add to a shopping list.

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