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Eili 12-24-2012 04:16 AM

Thank you and farewell
I want to thanks Lotrointerface and members for the years i have been in and all the help i received.

I am leaving Lotro for good and i will never come back.

That was a great adventure. I started a new one, where my heart can smile.

Take care!

Cairenn 12-24-2012 07:30 AM

Sorry to see you go Eili. Hopefully we'll see you somewhere down the road in some other game. Safe travels and happy journey.

MrJackdaw 12-25-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Eili (Post 8427)
I want to thanks Lotrointerface and members for the years i have been in and all the help i received.

I am leaving Lotro for good and i will never come back.

That was a great adventure. I started a new one, where my heart can smile.

Take care!

Have fun! It was great working with you and I hope you find another outlet for your creativity!

daimon 12-25-2012 11:22 AM

Goodbye Eili and thank you for the contribution you have made for the lotro community.

Heart does what a heart does, there's no avoiding that. And I'm sure yours will smile again.

Take care and safe travels.

Thaodan 12-25-2012 04:25 PM

Farewell, thanks for you great work.
BTW: Has lotro gone so bad?

Eili 12-26-2012 07:01 AM

Thank you Everyone!

For now i moved to SWTOR and i must say that i have some good fun.

@Thaodan: I guess with age i have less patience... i tried all i could to stay, even to buy a new computer and nothing has done it, i was still sad and mad at each login...

I miss the community a lot, i made some true friends there.

If only Turbine had take the challenge to not add more bugs at each patch and to work more on those long forgotten .... *smiles*

sciurpadrun 12-27-2012 06:26 AM

Really sorry to see you go. The game will not be the same without your wonderful skin. Thank you very much for the lovely work you did and hope you enjoy your new game.

Good bye

Adra 12-27-2012 09:19 PM

(sorry for french speaking)

Bonne continuation sur SWTOR et IRL Eili :)

J'ai moi même franchi le pas de l'achat d'un nouveau PC survitaminé pour compenser le gouffre à ressources matérielles qu'est le Rohan...
Mais le nouvel équipement n'a fait que multiplier les bugs, lags épouvantables, crashes à répétition... l'horreur.
Finalement, celà ne fait que 3-4 jours que j'ai réussi à retrouver une config LOtro stable, et même fluide, y compris en raid !! Alleluia !

J'ai comme toi élargi mes horizons video-ludiques histoire de pas terminer avec une camisole de force ! :D
Je monte un perso sur Guild War 2, et avec mon nouveau PC ça tourne du feu de dieu, toutes options à fond ! :rolleyes:

Je ne tire pas un trait définitif sur Lotro, les gars de chez Turbine étant capables du pire comme du meilleur, je garde un pied dans la place, mais hors de question de me faire reprendre en otage par leur fumisterie ^^

Amuse toi bien, bises et bonne année 2013 :)

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