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kissmejulie 01-31-2008 06:46 PM

Missing skin Icons
I have downloaded the UI Customization Toolkit from the LotRO website and successfuly made a few modifications. However there seems to be some missing TGAs as certain UI components are filled with a default image of blue squares with white borders. This seems to affect the Raid tab on the social window, the user created Alias Icons in the action bar and the load progress indicator bar. I have made a UI skin with the unmodified files I downloaded and the problem persists. Does any one know where or what these missing Icons are?

Myyriah 05-10-2008 10:41 PM

Hello, I just dl Gandalf Navy and am experiencing the same exact thing as the poster above (way back in Jan) stated. Sadly there was no response to his post and I have not been able to find a clear-cut answer searching other threads. I have read the faq and am confident I dl correctly.

Hoping someone can help,


Gaylen 05-12-2008 02:01 PM

Those blue+white squares are what appear when the XML file directs the game to replace a default UI graphic with another, but the path given is either wrong (often a typo) or the file isn't in the right place. The game knows not to load the default UI graphic, but doesn't have anything else to put there.

I made and use Gandalf Navy, myself. I don't have any broken files and the zip I uploaded to LI.com is taken directly from my /MyDocuments/TheLordOfTheRingsOnline/ui/skins/ folder. So if there was anything broken, I would be seeing it, too. I also didn't alter any files that are specific to the Raid tab, the alias icons for quickbars, or the progress bar. I am not certain if you mean to say that you are missing the exact same graphics as the OP or if you are just having the same problem with the blue+white filler graphic. If the former, I can't imagine why that would be since my XML files don't have any code to change those images.

There are some things that just plain aren't skinned yet. I just got married in April, so I was and have been pretty busy. Suffice to say, the timing worked out so that I wasn't able to work on updating my skins before the patch nor have I had the chance since the patch. I hope to get to it soon.

I will say that I have experienced rare problems myself with downloading skins here. It never happened often, but occasionally a skin wouldn't work properly. When I deleted the files, re-downloaded it, and then reinstalled, it sorted itself out. Give that a try for me. If you are still getting the blue+white graphic, let me know which graphics aren't working. I'll poke around my files and send you the ones that are missing.

Myyriah 05-12-2008 02:26 PM

Hello and ty Gaylen for your response and ty for a great skin :)

I'm at work right now but when I get home I'll try the uninstall/reinstall. If that doesn't work, I'll screenie some UI shots in the hopes that they might help solve the mystery. I'll also post the file path just in case.

Thanks again!


Myyriah 05-12-2008 04:40 PM

:( no luck with the reinstall

path: User/documents/lotro/ui/skins/gandalf

maybe I don't need a sub-folder under ui? I dunno, I'm a complete puter dummie :(

Gaylen 05-13-2008 12:04 AM

Wow, it looks like only a handful of the images are actually loading. The majority is broken. It's definitely in the right folder, because the panels and tabs are loading. So it's found some of the images, but not those in the subfolders. Interesting.

I probably need to just upload a new zip to LI.com, it might have become corrupted somehow. But I'm going to upload a new version of the skin for Book 13 in the next few days, anyway, so I'll hold off on that front.

So I will send you directly a new zip of the skin and you'll get a few new B13 graphics that I've already finished. You'll get to be my first beta tester for this vers. I did play a few hours tonight with the changes and everything was working, I'll make the new zip with what I know is a working copy.

EDIT: Scratch that plan. File is almost 2 mb, prolly too big to receive via most email providers. I'm going to upload it to another site and PM you a direct link.

Myyriah 05-15-2008 04:52 PM

WOOT! *happy dance the dance of happiness*

A big shout of thanks to Gaylen for getting this sorted out and, as I suspected, the UI is wonderful!

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