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Eidolon 03-18-2010 05:15 AM

New Panels?
I really could not find this anywhere in the forums...

Can you create new panels that are independant of the existing panels? For instance, I would like to break the additional buttons off of the main toolbar and put them in their own panels.

I can reach this effect by making ToolbarField 1680x1050, but then, this obviously restricts the UI for use with this resolution.

If this can be done, can art assets be used with the new panels?

Thanks in advance.

MrJackdaw 03-18-2010 04:31 PM

As far as I am aware it is impossible to make new panels or art assets - even splitting off individual buttons I think can't be done. Would be nice...

Eidolon 03-18-2010 07:03 PM

That's unfortunate. Of course, the workaround is to make the toolbar full screen. It doesn't seem to have any adverse effects so far.

EDIT: Updated layout in UI.

daimon 03-18-2010 07:15 PM

as MrJackdaw says it can't be done.

Only way to do it is how you did it already. And only weakness in it that I can think of is when you switch between fullscreen mode and windowed mode. Have you tried that ?

Eidolon 03-18-2010 07:30 PM

I haven't. But I never do. But I should test it.

Deewe 03-19-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Eidolon (Post 3965)
I can reach this effect by making ToolbarField 1680x1050, but then, this obviously restricts the UI for use with this resolution.

That's the trick I've been using for my UI to be able to move the pips and auto attack buttons anywhere in the screen

There come several drawbacks:
  • The skin needs one SkinDefinition.XML file per resolution
  • Resizing the tool bar in the UI options will mess the UI
  • The size of the ToolbarFiels has to be slightly smaller than the full screen or the player'll need to make the quickslot bars smallers to fit the main one.
  • It's painful for the players to move things around as it has to be manually done in the XML file
  • Very annoying to update for the authors when there are changes in the positional elements for the UI from Turbine

Ghil 03-19-2010 09:34 PM

It is basically a non-solution, as it creates way more problems than it solves. -_-'

Eidolon 03-20-2010 01:23 PM

I have since done this, which makes it more resolution-friendly. The toolbar is about 390x820 and is placed in the lower left.

I am not ready to release it en masse, but if anyone is interested in playing around with it, you can download it here.

daimon 03-20-2010 01:35 PM

small tip: you can use high Y value on "ToolbarField" (something like Y="2000"). That will ensure your bar stays at the bottom no matter what resolution you use. The mainbar won't vanish outside your screen area what over values you use.

Deewe 03-20-2010 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by daimon (Post 3988)
small tip: you can use high Y value on "ToolbarField" (something like Y="2000"). That will ensure your bar stays at the bottom no matter what resolution you use. The mainbar won't vanish outside your screen area what over values you use.

Nice trick, I wish I knew that long ago!

Funny I was one of the first to start playing with weird positions ;)

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